3 Books That Every Freelancer Should Read

Learning something new

Freelancing has become one of the most interesting business professions in today’s job market. More and more people are hopping on the freelancing train, trying to push themselves to the top of the food chain. But what most people who want to become freelancers don`t know that freelancing isn`t a profession where you can just jump in one day and already earn a formidable amount of money. They don`t know how much of work you need to put in. Or more importantly, educate yourself on a topic of freelancing.

So which is the best way to learn about freelancing and all of its benefits and negatives? Most of the people will tell you this, on the same platform on which you are working on, the internet itself. And sure, that might be the case, but there is a lot of misinformation on the internet, you can never know 100%  if the information that you are getting is legit or not.

So where can you then find the most useful information about freelancing and online businesses? From the same old item from which most of humanity did for thousands of years, from the good old books.

There are so many books with a great information about freelancing and online businesses, but how can you choose the one which will work for you in such a crowded niche? Luckily I’m here to help you. I will tell you which three books should every freelancer read to improve their career. Shall we begin?

1. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris

This book by Tim Ferris is interesting to read for every freelancer who wants to know how to stay productive and how to find motivation even when everything feels like is turning back on you. Tim Ferris is an entrepreneur and professional strategist, so he definitely knows what he is talking about. But don`t just take his word on it. There are more than 200 world-class performers who share their way on how to stay productive in this interesting book.

We are just humans who make mistakes, who lose the will for things they loved, who become burnout by doing the same thing over and over again. But with Tools of Titans, you will learn how to handle yourself in your worst moments and how to stay motivated even when all seems desperate or without a point.

Unfortunately, we freelancers are prone to this problems. One of the reasons is because we are working from the comfort of our homes and we usually don`t have set working hours. Comfort leads to laziness and laziness leads to loss of motivation. Do you see yourself in this description? Did you? Then you should definitely pick up Tools of Titans and get yourself back on a horse.

2. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

Our human nature is fascinating. Our brains are always trying to find something that will keep them occupied. But this need for occupation and finding something interesting can cause some problems with concentration in your workplace. This is especially true for us freelancers. Even more for people whose brains get scattered easily. This can be a recipe for a disaster because with time it leads to stress, and stress leads to an unfinished product or missing the deadlines. Those emotions are killers of the freelancing careers. If you feel like you have this kind of problem then Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen is a perfect read for you.

With this book, you will learn how to prioritize your workflow and tackle them in a logical and manageable manner. You will learn how you can finish every single job in the shortest amount of time and stress-free. We all got stressed sometimes. And that is normal. But we should never allow it to take over our careers.

That is why Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen is a perfect read if you are dealing with stress while working and improving your freelancing career.

3. The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams– On Your Terms by Sara Horowitz

The road to becoming a successful freelancer can be full of obstacles. You never know what problems will get in your way. That is why The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams by Sara Horowitz is a must-read book for every freelancer who is worried what problems could get in their way. Sara Horowitz is the founder of the Freelance Union and she has been through everything that freelancing life could throw your way.

As a new freelancer or freelancer who wants to get more organized, you need the information that will allow you to accomplish this change. A lot of people will claim that they have the solution to this problem, but only a a few really have. One of those is definitely Sara Horowitz. With her book, your freelancing career can only go forward and become more successful.

You will never find a perfect book that will change your career for 180 degrees. But The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams is the closest that you will come to the perfect advice which will help you overcome all roadblocks that are standing in your way.

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