5 Golden Rules for Managing Customer Expectations as a Freelancer

5 Golden Rules for Managing Customer Expectations as a Freelancer

When as a freelancer you are at the dawn of your career, sometimes there is the temptation to agree with every request of the client. Maybe it has been a hard-to-find client and you are just starting your business with little experience, so you want to make the client happy. However, saying “yes” might not always be a good strategy.

On the other hand, setting clear boundaries and establishing reasonable expectations will be a solid foundation for a long-lasting relationship with your client. Wisely managing clients’ expectations is an excellent freelance self-care tip to add to your routine as it will alleviate the stress out of your life and make working with clients more pleasurable! And remember, as a freelancer, you always have the option to exceed your customer’s expectations and amaze them with the results!

This article will examine how to efficiently manage and exceed client`s expectations as a freelancer and make your relationship with your clients happy and balanced.

1. Educate your freelance clients

A client that hires you for a specific task has the reasonable expectation that he has found an expert! You should know your thing. If he could do this on his own, he would never reach for your help! You have positioned yourself as an expert in your field. So, you know that clients are often not acquainted that much with your industry and its subtleties – you need to educate them on the essential details relevant to your project. 

Thus, they will gain insight into the process and the expected outcome and the timetable that is set ahead of the two of you. Have an onboarding session where you explain clearly what processes the project involves.  As an expert in your field, you do not allow the client to dictate the pace or the tempo of this dance, but you skillfully take the lead – towards your common goal. Gently, yet firmly, staying positive and clear all the time.

 You won’t seem bossy. On the contrary, you will establish respect towards your persona and educate him about what they can expect, which will build a strong client relationship in the long run.

How to educate your client:

  • Have an onboarding session where you explain all the details
  • Get clear about the process and the deadlines
  • Let him know the results that can be expected
  • Affirm your position as an expert in your field

2. Agree on the communication channel and timing

Some clients can be very anxious about the progress of the project. Especially if they are investing much and they are expecting fast results. However, you should make it clear in advance what your working schedule is and when and how they will be getting updates.

 It is not ok to make yourself available at any part of the day, and any day of the week. Have an honest look at your agenda and your other projects and commitments and schedule the intervals during which you will either give updates or be available for a call or a short meeting.

Make clear to your client which communication channel to use, especially if you have several options. They can either send you an email, a chat message, or a call. Having only one main communication channel for the project will avoid losing information and time, which will increase your effectiveness and reduce stress.

Establish the communication parameters:

  • Get clear on the communication channel: call, chat, or email
  • Let the client know when you can be giving updates on the project

3. Over-communicate, never assume!

Another expectation of customers is based on communication. The clients communicate their needs and concerns to you, asking for a specific service or freelance product. It is vital that clients and freelancers have excellent communication. This will define well what the final outcome of the collaboration will look like. Sometimes such communication fails to take place, and clients and freelancers proceed to work based on assumptions. Well, this is a recipe for disaster!

First of all, communicate the terms and conditions of your job. It is good to put them in written and signed by both parties. This can avoid huge misunderstandings in the future. Make sure they include the expected payment for your job and the payment method. It is good to be clear about the deadline too!

You also need to communicate with your client about the process of the project and after the completion of each stage, if there are such. In this way, the client has an idea of what is going on, and if there are adjustments to the route, it will be less time-consuming to have to tackle a single stage, than the whole project!

In a nutshell: It is better to over-communicate with a client, rather than assume what he wants or what you think is best for him. This will save you a lot of time and effort in having to make changes and adjustments to your work later on.

Better to over-communicate than to assume:

  • Communicate with the clients every doubt or uncertainty you have
  • Never assume what the clients would like, better ask them!
  • Communicate timely any delays or unforeseen events
5 Golden Rules for Managing Customer Expectations as a Freelancer

4. Build trust As a Freelancer

Another reasonable customer expectation can be summarized by the term: Trust. In short, the client is sharing with you part of his life or business and has the rightful expectation that you use this for the purpose of your mutual collaboration only.

Otherwise, the results might be catastrophic, both for your freelancing career or for the client’s business. So, make it clear from the beginning by showing willingness to sign an NDA or Nondisclosure agreement, and sticking to it faithfully. Never compromise on this part. Make sure your computer and other devices you use for your projects are secure and protected.

You want to make trust a priority in the relationship with your clients. It has many facets. One discussed above is about keeping the data privacy and never misuse their data or information in any way. Another one is working on the project in an honest and diligent way. You can also build trust by abiding by the terms and conditions on which you agreed and let the client know right away if you cannot meet a deadline or a requirement due to an unforeseen circumstance.

These principles will build you a good reputation as a trustworthy person and freelancer.

Ways to build trust as a freelancer:

  • Never misuse clients’ information in any way
  • Stick to the terms of your contract and communicate immediately if something stops you from abiding by any point.
  • Work on the project diligently thinking of the clients` well-being and that of their business.

5. Do not over-commit, over-deliver!

Caught into the enthusiasm of closing a new client, some freelancers tend to promise more than they can deliver. Be realistic with your capacities as a freelancer, your speed of work, and the process that the project involves. Set a reasonable time frame that is larger than what you usually can handle. This way you have some extra margin of time for unforeseen circumstances.

Be conscious of where your limits lie. What lies beyond could damage the quality of the job you do. Think: it is better to surprise your customer by finishing your work earlier and with a better outcome than to rush the job, get stressed, and be late with the deadline.

Explain this to your clients frankly and present your schedule and your plan of the process. It is almost sure they will appreciate your honesty, and they would prefer to keep the quality over the speed.

Do not over-commit:

  • Give yourself more than enough time for the project
  • Allow time for unforeseen events
  • Clearly explain your process and time management schedule
  • Make the client see that rushing the project will affect the quality

Over-deliver: Exceed your Customers expectations!

As a freelancer, you reduce stress by setting reasonable boundaries and expectations. However, if you have the chance, never miss an opportunity to “Wow” your clients. Here is how you can do that:

  • Be a good listener – listen to each and every tiny element of their requirements and try to get really deep into their needs and the needs of their clients. It will help you to provide an excellent service!
  • Deliver before time – after you have given yourself enough time to complete the project, you can delight your clients by delivering before the deadline. This is one of the things that really make a good impression!
  • Add value to your work with a “bonus” – if you surprise them by walking an extra mile for the project, this will make your collaboration memorable and set the foundation for future projects together.

“Wow” you clients as you over-deliver:

  • Be an excellent listener!
  • Understand clients` needs and personalize your job to them!
  • Deliver before the deadline, whenever possible.
  • Award your clients an unexpected bonus by walking the extra mile!

As a freelancer, working with multiple clients at a time, single-handedly, can be a real challenge. But by learning the essential and vital skill of managing clients’ expectations firmly and wisely, you can have a happier working life and relationships, and eventually, you even learn how to create “Wow” moments for your clients!


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