Freelance statistics clearly explain why remote work is skyrocketing

Freelance statistics clearly explain why remote work is skyrocketing brings clear and accurate statistics related to freelance work and lifestyle, and this is what’s most interesting.

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous people worldwide have started losing their jobs and giving a try with freelancing careers. Besides that, new generations, and especially gen-Z are naturally interested in leaving their 9 to 5 jobs and pursuing their own careers with personal talents.

What’s happening with the freelance market?

Statistics show that there are over 1.2 billion freelancers worldwide, which would be almost 1/3 of the total workforce. Just in 2020, when the pandemic has started, remote workers have earned $1.2 trillion! When it comes to the approximate hourly rate of remote workers, statistics claim that the freelancers got approximately $25 per hour from their clients.

Freelance statistics are constantly growing, so today we see that 50% of gen-Z are remote workers. Of those who have started building their freelance careers since the pandemic 96% claim that it improved their budget and lifestyle, therefore – they will continue providing remote work.

Freelance lifestyle statistics

Almost 60% of freelancers have 5 clients at once, and 91% would recommend using freelance job platforms for finding remote work. More than half of the freelancers claim that they work less than 40 hours per week, although they are considered full-time freelancers. 69% said that they always have enough work which supports their freelancing career.

Almost half of the freelancers are highly educated – they at least have post-graduates or master’s degrees.

86% of remote workers say that freelancing is the future and that it’s a way the entire work will change and adapt to. 65% of freelancers say that they are able to earn more money now than with their past regular jobs. The number of 57% of freelancers who have overcome their past salary in just less than 6 weeks definitely tells a lot about freelancing.

Freelancers worldwide usually work between 20 and 30 hours per week. Flexibility, freedom, and doing what they love is the most important for freelancers, as well as opportunity to earn more that way.


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