Becoming indispensable as a freelancer might be easier than you thought

Becoming indispensable as a freelancer might be easier than you thought

Every freelancer wants to become an integral part of their client’s team. Once a freelancer earns a client’s trust, there’s no need for constant re-explaining of context and tracking freelancer’s work. Another great plus every remote worker can get from that is the increased speed of work, which later brings a higher salary. Here’s how to become indispensable as a freelancer:

You are the client’s consultant, not only a freelancer

When someone is new in the freelance business, they usually say “yes” to everything that client says or asks for to be done. But experienced freelancers know that they should also think as consultants, which means that remote workers should hear what clients truly need, not what they think they need. Therefore, be confident enough to advise your client – they appreciate critical eyes.

Freelancers should focus on delivering on their promises

A great mistake that a lot of freelancers do is that they don’t stick up to their promises. Breaking boundaries or skipping deadlines must not happen if you truly want to become an integral part of the client’s team. It’s important that the freelancer draws their boundaries from the beginning and then stick to them. Know your workload – how many clients can you handle? Many freelancers claim that 3 long-term clients are enough, and 4 is the maximum.

Freelancers should define their work – not wait for the clients to do it

Before any contract starts, be sure that you are the one who defines work, not the client. It’s also a good idea to skip bragging about everything you can do, and everything you know. Focus on your field of expertise and clearly say what you can offer. Later, when the freelancer and the client have a long-term work relationship, it’s okay to show other talents and increase your workload.

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