Freelance Review: October 2022, Part 2

Freelance Life Magazine

The freelance market is brimming with various activities happening around the freelance world. Knowing that the quest to know more is spurred by the ability to read more was why I carefully selected interesting topics from different websites. These are fresh freelance news, articles and analysis from the second half of October. Have a great time reading these.

Freelance Life Magazine

I would like to share this mind-blowing news especially if you are a freelancer. The freelance Life website just published a digital magazine- Freelance Life Magazine which is completely free to access. There are two ways to get it, either as a WebApp on the FreelanceLife website or download an IOS App from the Apple Store. The Android app on Play Store will also be made available shortly.

The digital magazine is a neatly-knitted fabric pulsating a work of art that will leave you asking for more. It is an exact exhibition of information and entertainment for freelancers and independent workers around the world. You will find the best tips and advice from great minds and platforms.

There is an established standard of success to describe what an individual who is successful looks like. Meet successful freelancers and read their interesting personal stories. Check the latest and exciting news from various freelance platforms. Get first-hand professional, psychology, technology and business news. You have the privilege to enjoy reviews, events and the freelance masterclass.

The First Issue

The first issue of this magazine has several articles some of which are: Interview with Ruslana Milikhiker, Senior Manager, Events, For The Women|Future Conference; interview with David Kittle, Product & Industrial Designer who has earned $1M+ on Upwork; News from the freelance platforms: Upwork, Fiverr, Toptal, Guru, Peopleperhour, Flexjobs; Review of top 5 project management software.

The magazine presents Saga Vigre Bohinen and Esther Victoria, freelance writers; Nomads Destination: Las Palmas De Gran Canaria and Bonsai- Everything you need to run your business.

Some of The App Options

  • Optimized for tablets and phones! The software automatically recognizes which device you are using and launches the version that provides the best user experience for your device.
  • Offline reading. Download the magazine issue to your device so that you can read it wherever you are, even without an internet connection.
  • Bookmark and share. Mark articles for later reading or share them with your colleagues and friends. Read the magazine online or download the App from Apple Store!
Germany Is One of the Fastest Growing Countries for Freelancing, Data Shows

Germany Is One of the Fastest Growing Countries for Freelancing, Data Shows

Source: Sifted

This amazing topic I found on the website Sifted did a good job of analyzing how well freelancing has thrived in Germany. Freelancing is a great way for anybody around the world to earn extra pay. We see spikes in the frame of mind when there are economic factors influencing work. When we talk about places where freelancing has been on a growth trajectory, the record shows that Germany portrays a significant economic value that freelancing has brought to the region.

German inflation recently reached its highest level in 70 years and I think you will agree with me that in such a situation, making extra pay from more sources of income is important. Germany appears to be rapidly expanding as a freelance economy, with organizations progressively re-appropriating administrations to fill skill gaps. The recent mass cutbacks among tech organizations in Europe likewise assume a reasonable percentage in the number of new clients.

Germany has recorded significant market growth for remote workers, with 17.8% of its 410k freelancers in Europe registered in Germany. The surge of freelancers in Germany mirrors a more extensive worldwide trend of individuals focusing on freelancing, as they look for more opportunity and adaptability.

Bridging The Talent Gap

Most likely, we will say the adoption of remote work is less of a cost-cutting activity and more of a means to fill skill gaps, source external advisory, dramatically improve their production capacities or off-load large, repetitive tasks. In Germany, users earn an average of €288 per project, which equates to an extra €1,152 per month if they complete one project per week. Isn’t that fair enough?

Freelancing Fastest Growing Cities in The Country

According to statistics, the fastest-growing city in Germany is Frankfurt categorically known for covering the nation’s financial sector and large-scale enterprises. I will be showing the growth in percentage per city in Germany over a year; Frankfurt- 79%, Düsseldorf- 24%, Nuremberg- 20%, Berlin- 15%, Munich- 12%.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Small Business for Growth in the Next Business Cycle

5 Ways to Prepare Your Small Business for Growth in the Next Business Cycle

Source: IncAfrica

We all know the struggle of being a young entrepreneur or a small business owner. The platform IncAfrica mentioned a couple of ways to upscale one’s business even in an unfavourable business environment. Despite the economic downturn, growth in the next business cycle remains feasible. While we see the impact of Covid-19 on various industries, the projection for the latter part of this year is still for growth.

Alex Chausovsky, a market analyst from ITR Economics, one of the most seasoned privately-held research and consulting firm, likewise sees indications of an economic upswing. The economy is slower today and probably will slow further during the first half of 2020. The industrial economy, on the other hand, is a different story; we’ve been expecting a mild recession in that sector for quite some time, and the impact of Covid-19 could compound the downturn.

For entrepreneurs, this phase of the economic cycle presents a novel test. At some point, I begin to realize that this will become significantly demanding in light of the uneasiness brought on by the pandemic. You need to plan for thriving at exactly the second when business conditions will feel most fragile on the ground. Chausovsky highlighted 5 ways for Business Owners to tackle these challenges;

  1. Begin making plans well ahead of the business cycle’s low point. Did you get the message here? Waiting until the economy recovers to develop and implement your strategy may be too late. Yes, and you may never catch up or struggle to do so.
  2. A few businesses lead the economy- that is, they experience changes in the business cycle sooner than the general market- while others slack it. As an entrepreneur, you maintain your business to be at a low spot prior to investment for the next growth cycle so you can profit on any excess capacity.
  3. Reducing staff is normal and a good plan during many down cycles. However, because of the tight economic situation at the moment, as opposed to a diminishing workforce, invest in staff capacity building so you’re gotten in a good position when the economic situation takes a turn.
  4. Build interest and make investment decisions in Automation and Artificial Intelligence now so you can upscale and beat your competitors later. Use modest cash with the long term in mind. That sounds interesting, right?
  5. As the economy improves, expect labour and cost to increase. Pay attention to profitability; recall for what reason you’re in business in the first place. Keeping up with financial discipline is basic for the present moment, while growth is gaining momentum.
Should You Go Freelance in 2023? Only if You Can Say Yes to These 4 Things

Should You Go Freelance in 2023? Only if You Can Say Yes to These 4 Things


You will have a great time reading this article I found on the Fool website. We are in the final quarter of 2022, and everyone has their plans mapped out either to venture into something new or maintain the existing course. And one such plan may be to become a full-time freelancer.

The freelance profession holds several opportunities which give you the privilege to work with multiple clients at a time. You own your hours and can set your work schedule in any way that is convenient for you. Plus, freelancing could mean taking on projects that are more interesting and appealing to suit one’s interest. On that note, you will need to be in a position of saying yes to what it takes.

  1. I Have a Decent Chunk of Money in Savings

Having the consciousness that even if you start winning contracts over, clients may not pay right away. Going from being a salary earner to a freelancer means you are losing the consistency of paycheck. That can be a scary thing when you don’t come prepared. So, my friend, think before you make that decision.

  1. I Have A Plan for Getting Health Insurance

As a freelance, one benefit you can’t afford to go without is health insurance. You’ll need to make provision for a means of getting some which could get expensive compared to an employer benefit plan, hence, the need for more savings.

  1. I Am Good at Time Management

Going freelance could be an icebreaker for you in the coming year, ensuring that you are ready for the journey is what comes first. Becoming a successful freelancer, no doubt will require good time management skills. Of course, this will set you in the direction of owning up, working without distractions and juggling projects alongside normal day-to-day activities.

  1. I Have a Plan For Getting Clients

Before you take that bold step, aim to have a pipeline of clients or uncover ways to reach them easily. Having a solid plan to beat the struggle to find work is part of the major things that have to be put in place so you don’t end up getting frustrated.

5 Common Freelancer Onboarding Questions Tech Solutions Are Solving

5 Common Freelancer Onboarding Questions Tech Solutions Are Solving

Source: FineExtra

Onboarding remote workers have some challenges and, in most cases, the solution to these problems is hiring qualified and skilled talents. We all know that there is a severe shortage of talent, making it difficult to hire qualified candidates. At the same time, most businesses are unable to offer higher, more attractive salaries to attract the best talents.

According to this recent topic on the FineExtra website, tech companies noted that onboarding freelancers is ideal for staying relevant during an economic crisis. Entrepreneurs must figure out how to onboard remote employees in a timely, efficient, and compliant manner, which raises a few key questions that tech companies should answer.

1 How Can You Legally Upscale Your Business With Freelancer Across The Region?

Each nation has its business laws and regulations, which can be tough to keep coordinated, particularly while employing remote workers from different regions. For instance, freelancers in Mexico are only allowed to be hired for specific jobs. The legal working age in Indonesia is 18 but 14 in India. This is why I will advise businesses to outsource recruitment to companies that understand the legal requirement of employment.

2 How Do You Set Contract Goals And Receive Completed Work?

The response to this question is to have a mutually exclusive and exhaustive agreement. In my opinion, it can be difficult to establish a working relationship with remote workers. How do you set goals and receive work on time when you can’t go to their office for a status check?

3 How Do You Measure Freelancer Productivity and Overall Performance?

The global pandemic prompted businesses to take a much-needed fresh look at how to evaluate the performance of in-house and contract employees. Businesses are now evaluating outputs and tracking how much time is spent on each task rather than measuring value by the number of hours worked. Fortunately, there are a couple of options available for organizations to choose from. I’ll recommend tools like TimeCamp or Quickbooks Time which can be utilized to track workers for better efficiency.

4 How Can You Maintain Effective Communication With Freelancers?

Having an established channel of communication and logical representation of information is very crucial. Your business must have policies and procedures in place to define clear goals and outline definite instructions to handle various situations with freelancers. Using third-party services like e-mail, Slack, Zoho and other productivity tools will protect both business and freelancer when it comes to meeting deadlines and dispute resolution.

5 How Do You Make Easy And Quick Payment To Freelancers?

One of the most complicated things to handle in businesses is the issue of payment. Freelancers are not treated the same way as regular employees when it comes to compensation. Since different countries around the world have their work and tax regulations you need to ensure that all activities including transactions, budget, allocation and wages are documented properly.


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