Freelance Review: June, Part One

Freelance Review: June, Part One

Do you know what is happening in the competitive world of freelancing and what impacts have been felt? Apart from being one of the crucial game-changer in the work environment where skilled people get hired, it is also a place where you find a lot of exciting news.

However, Freelance Life Magazine has brought another series of educative and entertaining news, insights and tips that made it to the news in June from popular freelance platforms.

I Made My First $100 by Using Canva – First Freelance Project

I Made My First $100 by Using Canva – First Freelance Project

Source: Medium

Here is a story I found on the website Medium. It is about Mahnoor, who started her freelance journey in 2020. She mentioned that although it was a wonderful start to her freelance career, she eventually discovered its drawbacks.

When she began working for herself, she was utilizing Canvas for a variety of tasks while working on Fiverr, Upwork,, and Freelancer. She stated that, although she had anticipated receiving the first gig on Fiverr, it actually came via Then, she received the second on Upwork and the third on Fiverr. These three projects were won consecutively.  And there wasn’t much gap between them.

First Fiverr Project

“My first Fiverr project cost $100. I did not anticipate receiving the first project for one hundred bucks. Even I was wishing and hoping to win a $5 project to get things started. I didn’t care about the money I made at the time; all I wanted was to start my freelance career”, she explained.

She further said “One day, a client got in touch with me, and we had extensive discussions about the project. It was part of a creative writing assignment. I was hired to write a 100-page poetry book and add artwork.

Her task was to compose the poems, add the appropriate illustrations to each page, and format the whole thing into a book. The book might be a PDF. She didn’t know anything about making KDP covers or ebooks at the time. During the conversation, Mahnoor asked her client if she could design a nice PDF eBook and book cover for her. It sounds terrific, she remarked.

She mentioned that she used Grammarly to write the poems, and numbered each to-do so that each section will be uploaded numerically in Canvas eBook. She stated that her client didn’t spend a lot of time reviewing. The client gave her a positive review after approving the work and releasing the funds in less than an hour.

She said, “Canva aids in my project completion and long-term contractual commitment to the client. My partner is still Canva. For both my personal and freelance tasks, I use it every day. The nicest aspect of this adventure was that even as a starter, which is when beginners don’t want to pay money or invest in something, I was still able to use the premium versions.”

15 Fun Ways to Come Up With Amazing Freelance Article Ideas

15 Fun Ways to Come Up With Amazing Freelance Article Ideas

Source: Dianakelly

Have you ever struggled to come up with article ideas? We’ve all felt the pressure of a blinking cursor on a blank page or a white-lined sheet of paper that was full of promise but void of ideas, whether you’re a professional freelance writer with over 20 years of experience or you had to write a college paper, or you needed to come up with new content ideas for your company’s brainstorm session.

Sometimes, when you lose being creative, it can be difficult to come up with freelance ideas. Other times, it’s due to your own excessive pressure to come up with “The Most Original And Amazing Idea Ever”. Accept it. You’re helpless. Freelance article ideas don’t have to be so hard. In fact, the process can be fun. However, the famous freelance writing platform, Dianakelly, highlighted some simple strategies on how to generate article ideas that anyone would love.

1. Address issues

When generating article ideas focus on identifying the problems or experiences you currently encounter and would like to see resolved, such as sharing insights and tips on navigating the home-buying process for a smoother experience.

2. What Do People Talk About

Identify common topics friends discuss and post about on social media, research related Google results, Quora, or Reddit, and create improved content by addressing freelance FAQs.

3. What Problem(s) Do You Solve for Friends and Family

Leverage your expertise and the areas people seek your help to generate freelance article ideas. Draw from conversations on various topics like caregiving, health, and more, while being attentive.

4. Go Small As You Think

Generate article ideas by reading local newspapers and stories from small towns, identifying trends and inspiring narratives with national appeal. Use Google alerts and follow experts on social media for specific topics of interest.

5. Get Ideas From Podcast

Discover podcasts for freelancers and extract research-worthy topics discussed, refine them, and pitch them to an editor. Jot down ideas using note-taking apps while listening to podcasts for inspiration.

6. Get Personal

Utilize your unique perspective and viewpoint on current events for personal essays sought by online outlets, offering opportunities for beginner freelance writers to get published.

7. Use Article Idea Generator Tool

When faced with a roadblock, utilize online tools like AI generative text tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Bard,,, or Hubspot’s Blog Ideas Generator for a quick and abundant blog post and article ideas.

8. Check Tiktok and Instagram

With brands actively producing videos and sharing content on social media platforms, you must become acquainted with the platform’s current landscape.

I believe these tips are very useful for getting inspiration when you run out of ideas and feel completely blank.

5 Reasons Why You Should Unplug for a Better Work-Life Balance

5 Reasons Why You Should Unplug for a Better Work-Life Balance

Source: Makeuseof

Cutting back on screen time can increase your productivity while online and help you reconnect with your loved ones, yourself, and the environment around you. You must know how to take action for a healthier work-life balance in a world that is overrun with digital engagement.

On the popular platform Makeuseof, I came across some of the main advantages of switching off from technology and enjoying brief periods of digital detox.

1. Mental and Emotional Rejuvenation

Unplugging from a hectic schedule gives you the chance to recharge since it lowers stress and fosters mindfulness. Find tranquillity in the present moment, enjoy your alone time, and do things that make you happy. Here are some of the useful tips to achieve this;

  1. Set aside time each day to be “unplugged” and do things you enjoy that help you unwind, like reading a book and taking a walk.
  2. You may establish limits with technology by turning off notifications.
  3. Include stress-relieving activities in your routine, such as beginning a meditation practice, doing deep breathing exercises, or keeping a journal.

2. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation

Online information overload can cause your mind to get crowded and impair your capacity for original thought. The ability for natural creativity to develop can be enhanced by taking a step back from the digital world. Here are some steps for doing this:

  1. Plan periodic “creative breaks” for the day.
  2. Attend workshops and exhibitions to gain fresh insights and views.

3. Quality Restfulness

Electronic devices’ blue light emissions, often known as the “sleep hormone” or the “hormone of darkness,” play a part in this by interfering with your circadian rhythm by delaying the release of melatonin. Establishing a routine that tells your brain it’s time to unwind, illustrates the necessity of unplugging long before bedtime. You can follow these steps to make this happen:

  1. Switch to screen-free activities and unplug your electronics before night.
  2. Make regular sleep and waking hours a priority.

4. Improved Focus and Concentration

You can regain your focus and concentration by turning off all electronic devices. Reducing interruptions also enables you to focus entirely on your work at hand and increases productivity. Here are useful and simple strategies:

  1. Set up specified time blocks for focused work without interruptions.
  2. Create a dedicated workspace
  3. Install a Pomodoro timer app.

5. Strengthened Relationship and Work-life Balance

When you prioritize spending time with loved ones and set appropriate boundaries with technology, you may foster deeper connections and make memories that will last a lifetime. Here are a few brief pointers to help with this:

  1. Create a schedule of events or outings for your family and friends.
  2. Set limits and give your loved ones all of your attention.
  3. Set clear expectations for your availability outside of business hours with coworkers and employers by communicating your digital limits with them.

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Find Your Next Freelance Gig 2.0: Three More Marketplaces To Know

Find Your Next Freelance Gig 2.0: Three More Marketplaces To Know

Source: Forbes

Freelance offerings are expanding in number, diversity and creativity. More people are coming to the space than has ever been recorded. Everyone finds the most suitable platform that suits their needs to sell their skills and expertise. Most of freelancers struggle to win gigs as there is too much competition on the popular freelance platform.

However, there are more marketplaces to showcase your talent which you have probably not heard about. The famous website, Forbes mentions three of these platforms where you can find your next freelance gig.

Unitaskr, one of the platforms discussed here, has a sizable member base made up mostly of university students from the US and the UK. Short periods, large numbers. Shakers and Sweav, on the other hand, are smaller, more carefully curated platforms of seasoned and established experts.

These platforms are a manifestation of the hard-won maxim that “there are riches in niches.”


UK-based Unitaskr offers a distinctive perspective on student employment. It shares many similarities with Parker Dewey, a US-based network that connects students with micro-internships in business organizations, and Techintern, a Canadian marketplace geared toward tech-focused students looking for internships or part-time jobs.

At the moment, it has over 300,000 members and helps 30,000 companies, ranging from small start-ups to major corporations like Red Bull, Uber Eats, NHS, and Spotify, as well as twelve multinational Unicorn companies.


Shakers is a platform that is expanding throughout Spain and building on its recent achievements. Coworkers Adrián de Pedro, Jaime Castillo, and CEO Héctor Mata founded the business less than three years ago. Since its beginning, it has remarkably increased revenue each year. Shakers, like Unitaskr, has maintained a laser-like focus on its niche market: top tech experts. The platform currently has 400 carefully vetted specialists on it.


The Netherlands-based platform of independent management consultants was founded by Joeri Schouten and Thijmen Kaster. It has a pretty straightforward concept of what a consulting organization could be. According to Schouten, “We aimed to increase the aspects of consulting we like and eliminate the ones we didn’t.”

 As a result, Sweav was envisioned as a tiny, close-knit community with 200 consultants. Even though the community is young, it has strict inclusion requirements, including five years at a premier strategy company or an equivalent amount of experience in private equity or mergers and acquisitions. Due to its rigorous standards, it has expanded successfully, with more than 60% of talent obtaining employment through Sweav, a level that I think is significantly above average.

Proactive Tax Planning for Freelancers: Avoiding Pitfalls and Overpaying

Proactive Tax Planning for Freelancers: Avoiding Pitfalls and Overpaying

Source: Millo

Managing your taxes as a freelancer can be challenging. Although smart tax planning can greatly lessen this complexity, you’ll save time and money as a result. This article I found on Millo will examine frequent errors made by freelancers, including failing to plan ahead for taxes, waiting too long to use an LLC or S-Corp, and failing to record all allowable deductions.

Up until you really begin, tax preparation for independent contractors just sounds difficult. Although it is simple to put off doing your tax preparation, once you do it, life gets much simpler.

Failing to Think About Taxes Proactively

Keep in mind that you essentially own a micro business. Many independent contractors make the error of treating their taxes as an afterthought, only taking them into account during tax season. This reactive thinking may result in missed possibilities for tax breaks and deductions.

It’s critical to seek assistance from a tax expert who can direct your choices and give guidance catered to your unique circumstances. As a general rule, set aside 25% to 30% of your income for taxes in order to protect yourself.

Failing to Use Limited Liability Company/S-Corp Early

Many freelancers run their businesses as sole proprietorships without realizing that changing their business structure could result in considerable tax benefits. Legal protection and tax advantages may be available when operating as an LLC (Limited Liability Company) or S-Corp.

Failing to Keep Track of All Allowable Deductions

Freelancers frequently overlook crucial deductions. You may be able to deduct business costs including those for your home office, travel, tools, software subscriptions, and even a percentage of your utility bills. Maintaining thorough records of all your business-related costs throughout the year is essential.

Failing to Optimize Your Taxes

Tax optimization refers to the use of legal strategies to lower your tax liability. Freelancers may want to think about tax planning strategies in various forms. These include contributing to a retirement plan, leveraging Health Savings Account (HSA), hiring a family member and handling Required Minimum Distributions (RMD).

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