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Credo Digital Marketing



Credo Digital Marketing
solves the problem of finding, hiring, and seeing success with a SEO or digital marketing firm.

All digital marketing providers are pre-vetted using our 3 step and 28 point vetting process before they join the platform.

Check out all providers, marketing channels, business types and models, software experience, agencies, and marketing audit types on Credo.

How Credo Works

- Submit your inquiry.
Say what you're looking for, then schedule a call with Credo's team of matching specialists to discuss your needs.
If your marketing budget is below $2,500 per month, you'll be directed through Credo's automated onboarding process.

- Get matched and scheduled.
Once your project is qualified, Credo's team will enter it into system and bring the qualified pros onto your project.
We'll then schedule you on their calendars at times you give us when you are available.

- Get to know your matches.
Log into platform to view their profiles, then show up the introduction call.

- Discuss pricing and contracts directly with the firms, then decide who to hire.
Sign your contract and work directly with your new firm. Credo is not involved at all.

What is the difference between Credo and Upwork?

Instead of listing anyone in the world who wants to offer marketing services, how Upwork does it, Credo has a vetted network of pros to make sure they deliver best results for their clients.

How much does Credo cost?

Credo is free to clients looking to hire a marketing firm.

Credo offers a few paid consulting options about your marketing or hiring strategy which can be found on this link.

Contact Information


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