BlogBing’s latest offering is a product called GetBotz. It has been created to automate content while keeping marketers in focus.
What exactly is Getbotz: Getbotz is an AI enabled tool to help businesses to maintain consistency in their content. It provides an end-to-end solution for blog automation.
The challenges that Getbotz solves: It is tough for early-stage businesses maintain consistency in their content. The time and commitment that consistent content needs are often not available. Founders also find it challenging to spend money on content agencies given that it takes time to see results. Doing it by oneself can be repetitive and feel like a chore.
How Getbotz writes articles: Getbotz starts by finding keywords using data from Google. It uses those keywords to generate ideas for topics for articles. The next step is writing the article. It then optimizes the article for readability and SEO. It also introduces a cover image, meta tags, and alt tags. Getbotz then submits the article to Google for indexing with the help of Google APIs.
How Getbotz works: Getbotz’s sister company provides access to SEO data like keywords and traffic patterns. This data is then combined with Open AI GPT-4 and other algorithms to automate the content process.
The botz connects to the search console of the website and keeps a constant watch on its Google ranking to see what kind of content is working for the blog. It then keeps optimizing content around that.
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Getbotz can currently write content in more than 25 languages from around the world. Some of the languages it supports are English, Chinese, Spanish, German, Korean, Dutch, and Japanese.
We spoke with Saurabh Chauhan, Co-founder & CEO at BlogBing Group, about Getbotz, AI, and the future of business. Here are some highlights from the interview.

Hi Saurabh, thanks a lot for taking the time to speak with us.
Where are you based?
I live in Rajkot. It is a city in the state of Gujarat in northwest India.
Have you always been here?
Yes, I have lived in Rajkot most of my life. I was born here, did all of my studies here, and now my startup is also based here.
How did your entrepreneurial journey start?
I have been an entrepreneur since the age of 10. BlogBing is my 7th venture, which I started conceptualizing and working on in my second year of engineering.
All my ventures have been in the computer industry. I have partnered with schools, taking care of their computers and signing service contracts with them. Other things I have done are software development and Information Technology services.
Please tell me more about BlogBing.
When I was in engineering college, I found that a lot of students had the potential to start their own businesses. However, they were constrained by resources in terms of time, expertise, and money to do effective sales and marketing. That inspired me to found Udaan – a training company of sorts to help students with learning about marketing.
While we were teaching students, the idea occurred to us that if only we could automate all of this for them, anyone can start a business without having to learn and worry about things like SEO, blogs, and digital marketing.
With this intent of automating sales and marketing for businesses, we started BlogBing in 2015. The target audience for BlogBing was mainly B2B businesses. The goal was to provide automated support for different aspects of marketing, like drafting and sending emails, providing customer support, collecting customer feedback, and creating content.
How did GetBotz come into being?
We launched GetBotz internally about 6 to 8 months ago and went public with it last month.
GetBotz was already part of our overall plan for content. AI is growing rapidly and we wanted to build on that to automate content writing.
With GetBotz, our aim is to replace content teams with AI.
Who is GetBotz mainly for?
We are mainly targeting local businesses. They understand that content is important for their success but do not have the right team or are constrained by money or time.
At present, most of our customers are B2B technology companies.
Do you think you can also cater to B2C businesses?
We are venturing into B2C slowly. As my expertise is in B2B, it might take some time to learn how B2C markets work.
Do you think this kind of product is more suited to a technology business than a consumer business?
I would say it is the other way around. Consumer businesses have the data. They also have an existing need for content because their customers are looking for answers.
Also, small businesses, especially consumer facing, will get better results from AI generated content compared to the wide scope of big businesses.
Where do you see GetBotz going in the future?
So far with GetBotz, we have been focused on how to write the content. We now want to move towards more focus on SEO.
We are testing if we can push the brand into the content and create brand recall for the business. By creating more value for the customer through relevant and need-based content, we can enable a win-win for both the business and the customer.
We are also trying to see if AI can learn cultural nuances. Different cultures have different needs: some prefer shorter content compared to long-format, some prefer to see data and numbers, and some use language differently.
We want to provide customers with what they want to read.

Google will have so much more content because of AI. What is the end game?
The content war has always been on. Everyone is present on all platforms. We are a data company. People are moving more and more towards shorter content. We are trying to see how we can summarize all of the information that is available online and make it crisper, easier, and more concise. Also, can we make it available as fast as possible to the reader? We are trying to change how people consume content.
Where do you think all of this is going? What is the future of AI?
The ultimate objective is to replace people with AI. We see it happening in the next 10 years. Eventually, we will move towards an economy where people are needed not for routine chores but for thinking and strategizing. We need to take away boring tasks from people and put thinkers in the system.
How will this transition affect freelancers?
If you cannot adopt, you will be out of the market. But this is true for all areas of work and business. If you do not adapt, someone will replace you.
In this case, will technology be replacing a person?
No, a person who knows how to use technology will be replacing a person who is not adopting technology. Freelancers will have to make their work faster, cheaper, and more affordable, or bring in value that technology will not.
Do you think these changes how businesses will operate?
Innovation will boom. What I said for people is true for businesses as well. If you cannot adopt technology and adapt to a changing ecosystem, anything is a threat.

Does Getbotz generated content need human supervision?
At present, 60 per cent of the content that it generates works perfectly. For the rest, there might be a need to go through what comes up.
We recommend going through all the content once to ensure that there is no need for any changes or edits.
Not just AI generated content but AI art and AI pop are all coming up. Do you think it is taking away from creativity?
I think people will still prefer human interaction over machines. There is no way in which AI can replace the human touch. People will continue to pay more for experiences.
An artist who is painting in front of me will be more valuable to me than what I would get from a machine.
The difference, however, will be that people who work only for money might not be able to make that much money now. It will force people to do what they love. For the rest of the things, AI will take over
You spoke about building in a cultural context in AI. A lot of cultures view language and customs differently. Do you think AI can evolve to a point where it can take into account all of that?
The culture of a place can be learnt through learning its language and literature. If we expose AI to enough of that, it can learn about cultural nuances.
In my opinion, AI is like a 10-year-old child who has learnt to read and write but can get influenced by what it is exposed to. How we make AI neutral is the next challenge. Even what is considered neutral is a perspective. My neutral can be different from your neutral.
What is your usual day like?
I work 18-20 hours most days. That’s our life.
That’s a lot of work. I won’t take more of your time. Thanks a lot for speaking with us.