What costs do we have to consider when we start freelancing

What costs do we have to consider when we start freelancing?

ByStanislava TsvetanovaApr 24, 2022

Becoming a freelancer has sometimes been publicized as living carefree as a bird in the sky. You see pictures of freelancers working on a beach or in bed in your pajamas. But is freelancing really free? Undoubtedly, being a freelancer…

Freelance vs Employee: Which Option is Best for You

Freelance vs Employee: Which Option is Best for You

May 13, 2022

2021, as a year of the Great Resignation, has shown us how freelancing is more important than traditional work today. Yet, that also brings one question – should you become…

The Wealthy Freelancer by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage and Ed Gandia

The Wealthy Freelancer

Jan 19, 2023

by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage and Ed GandiaDo you want to be your boss? Do you set your hours? Do you only want to work for certain clients? Many do,…

Freelancers become successful by making these decisions

Freelancers become successful by making these decisions

Nov 23, 2022

Successful freelancers must make both short-term and long-term smart decisions if they want their careers to expand in needed ways. Luckily, the practice has shown that certain decisions can make…

5 Golden Rules for Managing Customer Expectations as a Freelancer

5 Golden Rules for Managing Customer Expectations as a Freelancer

Sep 17, 2021

When as a freelancer you are at the dawn of your career, sometimes there is the temptation to agree with every request of the client. Maybe it has been a…

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