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Robert Half Workspace Platform

Robert Half


Robert Half Workspace Platform
Robert Half
is a workspace platform that connects employers and job seekers to staff positions in finance, law, technology and more.

How It Works - Job Seekers

Upload your resume to work with platform's local staffing experts.
Have hiring managers reach out to you through this online hiring platform.

Get recommended jobs that match your skills.

Platform's staffing experts advocate on your benefit with hiring managers so they understand why you’re the best choice for their task.
Staffing experts also handle your pay negotiations.

How It Works- Employers

If you want one person or an entire project team, this workspace platform contacts you with professionals in accounting and finance, technology, creative and marketing, legal and administrative fields.

Choose the best fit for your company:

- Hire skilled professionals on a temporary basis for short-term or full-time assignments.

- Add full-time employees - early to mid career or executive level.

- Access deep consulting expertise or specialized project teams to solve business challenges.

Salary Calculator

Use the Salary Calculator to discover starting pay ranges for positions you need to staff or jobs you are pursuing.

Select the location and other job details to get a salary range.

Contact Information


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