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SimplyHired Job Opportunities



SimplyHired Job Opportunities
Look for job opportunities across the United States at SimplyHired.
Search by job category, city, state, employer, and more.
Get started and publish your resume.

How SimplyHired Works

Make a professional resume in minutes.
Choose from a library of 30+ free resume templates and sample career-related writing examples.

Search SimplyHired for job opportunities, view local and national payroll data, discover companies, and learn about the labor market in a particular city.

Add and hire new employees in minutes, while safely storing all employee data in one place.

SimplyHired helps you keep up with your team’s attendance, including overtime management and paid free time.
Submit, review, and approve business hours in a few simple steps so you can get back to business.

Managing your company's documents doesn't have to be complicated.
Send employees e-signature documents for quick and painless storage of employee documents.

Post Jobs for Free

SimplyHired allows you to post jobs and view candidate resumes without paying.
Sign up for a free account and pay only when you’re ready to advance with the applicant.
There are no hidden fees.

With our contact payment model, you will post for free and then pay only for the candidates you choose to contact.
Prices start at just $9.99 per candidate discovery.

SimplyHired has all the tools to easily recruit and manage candidates and employees.

Contact Information


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