SolidGigs is a web platform for finding freelance jobs that are delivered directly to your email.
Receive job selection alerts for the top 1% of vacancies on the web.
Change your worst customers for some of the best companies in the world.
How It Works
We search the web for the best freelance jobs.
Platform's team manually checks nearly 100 websites, job boards for the best free employment opportunities on the web.
You get quality hand-picked clients every day.
The platform updates a huge list containing 1% of the best gigs found in our extensive search.
- No further sales.
- There are no complicated options.
- One simple price, forever.
SolidGigs is offered at one simple price. They all have the same unlimited access.
A 30-day trial period for just $2, then $19 a month thereafter.
The price of your subscription will never increase for the entire life of your membership.
Until you cancel, you will always pay the exact price you signed up for.
Even if that changes for new customers in the future.