Time management
TomatoTimer is time management tool, a flexible and easy to use online Pomodoro Technique Timer.
What is Pomodoro Technique?
The time management technique created by Francesco Cirillo for a more productive way to work and study.
Why use TomatoTimer?
- Clean and Crisp interface with a Mobile friendly layout.
- Ability to Pause or Reset the timer intervals.
- Audio notifications at the end of a timer period.
- Desktop notifications. Currently supported in Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
- Keyboard shortcuts.
- Ability to change the audio tone and volume via Settings.
- Custom Timer Intervals.
- A history of your activity. (Coming soon.)
How this time management app works?
- Decide on the task at hand.
- Set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes.
- Work on the task until the timer expires. Record with an X.
- Take a Short Break. (5 minutes)
- Every four "pomodoro intervals", take a Long Break. (10 minutes)