How a freelancer can find more work using Facebook groups

How a freelancer can find more work using Facebook groups

Freelancers worldwide are working from home and offering their services to numerous different clients in exchange for payment. It’s no secret that more and more people switching their regular jobs and turning to pursue their own freelancing careers.

Yet, as with every other career, working remotely also brings many challenges, and one of the biggest would certainly be having enough work. For that purpose, we have created a tutorial article that will help you to find more work using Facebook groups.

Freelancing platforms are great, but the remote worker shouldn’t stick to them only

Yes, freelancing platforms such as UpWork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and People Per Hour may be some of the best places to find clients and work, but what when that’s just not enough? Freelancers must think about more ways of income, so their finances won’t suffer.

Besides that, a freelancer that can choose between different clients and tasks will also improve their life quality. Facebook groups are a great place to find new clients and more work, and here is why and how.

What does your online presence look like?

The first thing every freelancer that is searching for new work through social media platforms is to optimize their presence. Getting your digital self in order can definitely higher the chances of getting hired through Facebook groups. The nice and clean headshot profile image is highly recommended, as well as representing yourself through work. That means that a freelancer that has decided to find more remote work through different Facebook groups should forget a bit about photos of dogs, kids, and overall – jokes and memes.

Cover image may represent your business or field of work but be sure to stay professional. Every freelancer that is serious about their business takes great care of digital presence. Why is this important? When a client is doubting who to hire, “small details” like these we have mentioned can make a huge difference.

Finding relevant Facebook groups that offer freelancing jobs

A freelancer shouldn’t only think about joining Facebook groups that are related to freelancing platforms, but to take a wider picture. Of course, such groups that are somehow connected to platforms may be a good source for finding remote work but think big. For example, a freelancer that has specialized in work in small businesses can join groups for the business owner that are located nearby. How many groups to find? An ideal number would range from anything between 20 and 40. Keep in mind that it’s important to constantly follow new posts in the group, so it actually all makes sense in the end.

Maybe you are a copywriter that has specialized in some certain topic, like fitness for example. If that’s the case, search for Facebook groups related to copywriters, but also for Facebook fitness groups. You’ll not only get new job opportunities this way but there’s also a high chance that you’ll learn something new and important that can upgrade your freelancing career, as well as meet the targeted audiences better.

Freelancers that successfully find work in different Facebook groups claim that everyone should focus on such tasks that they can complete as an expert. If you’re a newbie in some field, rather focus on other tasks you can complete professionally because that way you’ll build a good image.

*Facebook groups you join must be active and have other people who add value to them.

How a freelancer can find more work using Facebook groups

Freelancers should think about helping people online

The next thing we are about to do with the purpose to get more remote opportunities through Facebook groups is to solve certain problems. As in all Facebook groups, many people will come wanting advice or trying to find a solution for their problem. Be there to help and represent your skills in the best possible manner. If it’s possible, try to solve some problems directly in the group post, so it stays visible to the others. Very soon, many others will come to ask you for help and advice, and there’s a high chance that you’ll meet new clients and get hired for new positions.

Freelancers can use self-promo threads to represent their online business

Countless Facebook groups have self-promo threads, and many of those appear once a week. Freelancers can use this opportunity to represent themselves in the best possible manner and to offer their online services. This is great for so many reasons, but one people usually forget is that you won’t irritate people while advertising this way. When representing your own freelancing skills, it’s always highly recommended to focus more on how that can benefit your future client, rather than just talking about yourself. When applying for jobs and tasks, never write that you are interested in a certain position, but rather represent a solution to at least one small part of the project. Clients usually receive too many messages, so they will just skip those that start with “I am interested”. Those that offer a solution for their problem will definitely catch more attention, and that’s exactly when and where your new freelancing job opportunity is born.

Another great tip would be to follow those who have already succeeded. Try to figure out why they have won some job positions, how they represent themselves online, and what can you make better next time.

Online workers must improve their responsiveness

Remote workers should think about responsiveness in a very serious manner. Everyone who has gone online searching for a freelancer to solve their problem will want them to be there. Be sure that you can respond within a day, if not within a few hours. It’s very important not just to join all those Facebook groups that offer a chance for freelance positions, but also to track what’s new, read different posts, and be in touch with everything that is happening.

Sometimes, when the client is about to hire someone and realizes that your responsiveness levels are not so high, they will instantly opt for another freelancer. It’s literally the same as the advice we have shared for improving your online presence and digital self.

Freelancers should keep in mind that there are countless clients out there who are regular buyers of freelancing services. Once you complete all these steps we have shared, there are very high chances that you will get new freelancing opportunities or earn more money aside from your regular projects.

Using Facebook groups for expanding your freelancing career can bring many benefits, and those are not only related to finding new projects, completing them, and earning more money but also to meeting new people that can help you grow your online business.

Think of Facebook groups as another opportunity that can promote your business and services on a daily basis, but also improve your entire freelancing experience.

Besides that, it’s interesting to hang out online with people who share the same interests as you, aren’t it?

How a freelancer can find more work using Facebook groups

Disadvantages of finding a job via Facebook groups

Yet, we need to talk about the disadvantages of using Facebook groups for finding freelancing jobs as well. Everything that we have mentioned so far was related to the pros of using Facebook groups for remote work. We have also shared a lot of useful advice.

Here are some of the disadvantages every freelancer should think about:

Policy changes that happen on the platform. Policy changes happen from time to time, and you have no control over that.

Finding meaningful business may be hard due to the lack of organization. This is especially related to the comment section and posts. You have no control over what others are posting. It’s no secret that mistakenly understood words happen as well.

Groups don’t show up on Google searches.

Facebook groups don’t provide analytics.

Groups don’t allow you to use any form of advertising.

Closed groups are hard to maintain.

Facebook groups for freelancing jobs are not the best idea if you want to offer formal support (there are some better tools everyone can use for this purpose).

You are not protected in a way you are on freelancing platforms. There is no client’s history, no money in escrow, and no guarantees that you will ever get paid for your work. Therefore – be cautious.


Search online – “best Facebook groups for” and focus as we have already said – not only on the service you can offer, but also on the field of interest and expertise, both yours, client’s, and those of the targeted audience.

Pros & Cons of using Facebook groups when searching for new freelancing opportunities


– The ability to create a community around your business.
– Getting new ideas related to online business.
– Making you more accessible to finding new business opportunities.
– Creating a digital self-image that represents your work and business.
– Finding new jobs and earning more money.
– Meeting new clients.
– Using self-promo threads.


– Policy changes.
– No security that you’ll get paid.
– No client’s history.
– Closed groups require time and energy to stay well-maintained.
– Not suitable for offering formal support.
– People may misunderstand something.
– No analytics.
– No showing up on Google search.

Think of Facebook groups as a new experience and don’t forget to have fun along with finding new freelancing job opportunities!


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