How Finding a Niche Benefits Freelancers

How Finding A Niche Helped To Me As a Freelancer

“If you want success, be unique.”

When it came to freelancing as a writer, I thought I could attempt any type of content, as I ‘love’ writing. I was wrong, although writing is one of the jobs in demand. Most of the times when I got an interview, I could not satisfy the interviewer. I figured out that although I love writing, my area of expertise was not clear to my clients, which is why I was losing opportunities. I realized that mental health is the best thing I can endeavor to compose on because that is the field I have been exploring for 10 years now.

Before long, I updated my profile with the niche as mental health, and the game started changing. I got interviews, and this time, I cracked them. I understood the nuances of the work and in about a month’s time, I had different ventures close by.

How Finding A Niche Helped My Freelancing Business

1.    I was more focused

My niche helped me to focus more on the quality of work. I started taking fewer projects and dedicated myself fully on researching and creating the best I can. I deliberately took care of each detail and utilized my past research materials when I could.
My niche also directed me to the best-matched jobs. Thereafter, I sent out proposals only to the jobs relevant to my area of study and could optimize the limited number of connects that I got from Upwork every month.

2.    I earned more in less time

One of the biggest advantages of ruling out niche was that I started earning more by giving less time. I took around 2-3 ventures for each month that paid off well and disseminated my working hours equitably. I did not have to struggle with allotting time for understanding what the job is all about. Since I was already specialized in the field, I could delve into research and content creation right away. It spared me a ton of time and furthermore cleared a path for taking up more offers. I began offering for long-haul extends that advanced my monetary profits and in the meantime expanded my reliability to existing clients.

3.    My profile got visibility

Ever since I started taking up assignments in my niche, my profile visibility has been increasing organically. I receive more invitations and interviews that I did before and I can prepare myself better for facing recruiters.
With the niche, I could complete my jobs successfully and earned some great reviews from my clients which in turn helped in increasing my profile visibility online. And within some months, my job success rate started going high.

4.    I had a firm grasp on my understanding

I knew what I was working on. I knew where I needed to improve and what I needed to study. My communications with my clients were not as difficult anymore. I completed a market investigation of what other mental wellness authors are taking a shot at, what is the need of the hour, what are the standard rates different freelancers like me charge, and what are the limitations they have confronted. I prepared myself well according to the market demands and it helped a lot in making the most out of my business.

Find Your Niche Today – The ‘TUBE’ Rule

Finding a niche is ‘the’ most important factor to get your freelancing business growing fast. Especially in today’s competitive market, having a niche is the only way you can stand out from the crowd and become a successful freelancer.

If you are still pondering on where to start, try the TUBE Formula for ruling out your niche as a freelancer.


Think Utilize Build Explore

 For example, if you are a writer, explore what you love writing on – whether it is a blog on your area of study, research materials, storybooks or novels.

Choose something that you have been pursuing so far or a niche that is similar to your past working experience. If you can align your past experience with the freelancing business, you will have better chances of tasting success soon.

Keep on improving your existing skills. Read more, write more, attend workshops and seminars and enroll in online courses. If your business is built on skills and knowledge, it will definitely grow better than your expectations.

When you are confused, take up multiple jobs in various fields and see the one you did the best. Probably that is something you can take up as your niche.

What is your experience?

If you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience of how finding a niche helped you as a freelancer, please share with us. We would love to hear from you.


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