Freelancing has become increasingly popular, and it is undoubtedly shaping the way many people see and will see the future of work. Let’s see how this process is evolving.
The Rise of Freelancing
During the last century, the standard work model was going to a specific physical location and performing tasks for a particular period, usually from 9 to 5, on the weekdays. This model has been adopted all over the western world and not only, especially in the factories involved actively with the production of goods.
With the advancements of production technology in factories, the need for a workforce in physical goods production has become less and less. On the other hand, the services occupy a significant chunk of the economy today – they are now over 70%.
The advancement of technology has shaped the way people and working teams communicate. Now all are connected to computers, mobile devices, and the internet. The rise of digital information technology has changed how many services are performed and delivered.
All these technological novelties have led to the boom of freelancing, which challenges the standard 9-5 40 hours work week. The rise of freelancing has also debunked the idea that a worker has to be physically present to perform at a high level of skills and achieve organizational goals.
With freelancing, more and more companies rely on full or part-time independent external contractors for a wide variety of services and skills. Let’s see the consequences and benefits that we can observe.
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The Benefits of Freelancing
This new way of remote collaboration has provided both clients and freelancers with undeniable benefits. Like:
1. Lower Company Costs
People who seek the services of a freelancer do not have to worry about renting a physical place to accommodate the worker and all other costs that come along with having a fixed employee.
If the project demands skills and preparation that an employee does not have in the office setting, the company must provide extensive and expensive training and education. And also provide for social insurance, taxes, and paid leave.
Hiring independent professional freelancers save the clients all these costs by providing them with already trained experts in their field, who often have a portfolio of satisfied clients on their backs.
Freelancers can choose their work setting and environment, giving them the freedom to travel more and increase the overall quality of their lives.
2. Increase of Quality of Performance
Relying on a pool of professional freelancers gives the clients the possibility to hire different extraordinarily talented individuals to grow their company effectively and quickly. As the working relationship is based on the delivered value to the organization, if a freelancer is not performing according to the organization’s standard, the clients can easily find a better contractor to meet the needs of the project.
This way of working creates more value for an organization and can lead to long-lasting and mutually beneficial collaborations between freelancers and clients.
3. Increased job opportunities
Every area of the world connected to the internet can become a workplace for digital professionals. It has created many opportunities for people in developing countries to find clients from all over the world and contribute to bringing more abundance to their families and communities. However, they live in a less advantaged place in terms of economics.
4. Improved Skills and Personal Development
Many have been inspired by the new opportunities and the freelancer’s success stories. Aspiring freelancers have found a stimulus to learn and grow in a particular area and develop professional skills. This has brought a significant increase in awareness of the quality of work and performance. It is a stimulus for personal growth and professional development in all world areas.
Talented freelancers are thriving in all digital services like marketing, education, and IT technologies, and they inspire others to take on this path.
5. More Freedom and Higher Quality of Living
Freelancers can choose their work setting and environment, giving them the freedom to travel more and increase the overall quality of their lives. They can work when they choose and where they choose.
This is a cause of an experience of higher efficiency because freelancers usually do not feel under pressure to wake up at a specific time and be productive. They can arrange their productivity time according to their own needs and thus perform when they are at their best. This increases the creativity of their minds and the flow of the working process.

Location independence is one of the most popular bonuses of freelancing, and it has been cherished by many travelers whose dreams came true through freelancing. It also allows moms to work from home and spend more time with their children and families. Freelancing gives a new chance to seniors as well, so they can share their skills and talents during their golden years.
6. Highly adaptable to changing circumstances – this is the future of work
Freelancers have been known for constantly shifting projects and gears. And they can be very adaptable to changing circumstances. Today more than ever, people need to take advantage of this high level of flexibility.
The wave of unemployment that stroke the world due to the Coronavirus pushed many out of their comfort zones. They started searching for new options and possibilities. Many of them are joining the rows of freelancers – either in the same sector, they are experts in or learning new skills through platforms like GeniusU, LinkedinLearning, Udemy, Skillshare, and similar freelancers use to upgrade their skills and win the hearts of their clients. Some of them have entirely transformed their lifestyle – from the life of a typical office employee to a freelancing traveler and explorer, a full-fledged digital nomad.
In Conclusion:
The beautiful dance of demand and supply of remote skills has been going on for more than a decade now and is becoming more and more established as an efficient collaboration model. Undoubtedly, the freedom, flexibility, and sense of personal strength related to freelancing make it an excellent asset for all that choose it as a career path.
Upwork, one of the leading freelancing platforms, claims it receives more than 10 000 applications for new profiles daily, which is just a fraction of what is happening worldwide. A growing tribe of people consciously chooses freelancing as their future, and the numbers are constantly increasing.
Are you looking into the possibilities of becoming a freelancer, or are you already a well-established freelancer with a network of clients? Please share your experience with our community and us. We’d love to hear your story!