How to Take Your Freelancing Career to the Next Level

How to Take Your Freelancing Career to the Next Level

When you first start freelancing, your primary concern might be getting going, finding some clients, and making ends meet.

However, your freelancing business should bring you more than food on the table and paid bills. It should be able to provide financial stability for you and your family.

You must plan strategically and move forward to take your freelancer to progress in your career and activities. This article will give you five valuable ideas to bring your freelancing career to the next level.

Think in Terms of Business

Being a freelancer makes you think in terms of somebody doing a job. But actually, you need to think of your activity in terms of organization. Register a company to pay your taxes more consistently.

Maybe, in the beginning, it is only you running the whole show.

But you need to be aware of the different hats you are wearing. And how much time, energy, and resources each step takes you.

If you are a freelance copywriter, you spend some time writing articles for your clients. But you also spend time looking for clients, writing proposals, educating yourself on the newest trends, managing your bills and software tools, taking care of the accounting of your business, and so on.

This awareness will help you develop a scale and growth mindset crucial for taking your freelance business to the next step.

How to Take Your Freelancing Career to the Next Level

Look at the bigger picture

When we started freelancing, we were very concerned about many little things. What is grammar and spelling software better to use for our texts? How to improve my copywriting (other skills).

However, if you want to progress, you must have more than short-term goals. You need to have middle-term and long-term goals for your future career.

It is good to make a vision board or a clear vision of your future goals and see yourself as living this reality. Do you see yourself as a successful entrepreneur in the freelancing field in your specific niche?

When you have a clear mental picture of your future self, perform an honest skills gap analysis to estimate what is lacking now regarding knowledge, skills, and attitude.

Then you need to set reasonable goals for yourself and improve on each one of these points.

When you achieve a goal or a milestone, measure your progress and do a gap analysis again.

Making your market positioning and branding

Your professional presence is what makes the first impression on the client. Ensure your profile picture, website, and materials are well-cared for and polished.

Craft an image of yourself as an expert in your field and stand faithful to this image.

This will bring you the respect of your clients, and you will see new clients at your door.

It is a very professional move to have a website. A website is your real estate online. Write about your professional services and how you can contribute to your clients. Functional materials you can include on your website are a rich portfolio of your work that can testify to your skills, case studies and testimonials of your former clients, and a blog where you share valuable information about your niche.

Some ways you can use for branding are having a professional name card, document templates, a personal stamp, and images that reflect your profession and your attitude towards your clients. If you meet them in person, the way you dress and the language you use are also part of your branding, as well as your attitude and the respect you show them. You can see the results coming quickly if you are careful with these details, how you appear to your clients, and how you feel and think about them.

If you always think of how to benefit your clients, this is the best branding, as it will show in your attitude, behavior and the job done.

Increase Your Rates

When your business grows, your rates should increase as well.

When you scale your business, there will be more costs for administration, bookkeeping, and paying your staff.

You will need more clients and high-quality ones.

It would help if you had people that could appreciate your expertise and skills. Many clients are okay with paying extra for a good job done. For them, the most important is the result, not the fact that they will pay something different. 

You do not need clients negotiating over pennies as they are more likely to be dissatisfied with your work and give you a hard time under other aspects.

Improve your tools

When expanding and evolving your freelancing business, you must better your sandbox with instruments and tools. These must be functional and simplify your job instead of making it more difficult.

When something you use saves time, money, and energy, it is a good investment, and you should not think twice before taking it.

Sometimes, the cheaper options could be better for you in the long run.

Some tools that can be suitable investments:

A computer or tablet that can improve your work experience

A tool to collaborate with clients and sub-contractors, and staff

Cloud solution to facilitate the work management

Online meeting platform to save you time from offline meetings

Office equipment such as a bike desk or ergonomic chair to improve your health and performance

Expand your skills

When you are in a specific niche, you may need to look into it from a different perspective. If you are a good copywriter, consider looking into the marketing aspect and start generating content that uses proven sales strategies and can create more income for your clients.

Always think about what can benefit your clients more and bring them more money, save them time and energy, or provide them with a better process experience. This way, you can enhance your skills in a meaningful way.

How to Take Your Freelancing Career to the Next Level

Do Good Networking

Networking is excellent if you want to expand your career and take it to the next level. You can meet more than just potential clients. Networking with business owners and people that can benefit your growth is one of your most essential things. Learning from the experience of freelancers ahead of you in their career development is a critical catalyst for change and a source of inspiration.

If you cannot meet them in person, find out forums, YouTube videos, or podcasts where you can learn from them and benefit from the experience and advice given. You do not need to learn by yourself from a trial and error.

In conclusion

Taking your career to the next level is something you must experience right now in your mind. Visualize the result you desire clearly. Measure the gaps in competency and skills you need to fill. Reach out for advice from more experienced freelancers and improve your toolbox and mindtool box. Always strive to grow not only in your career but also in having a more balanced and fulfilling life.

You are freelancing to enjoy life and meaningful relationships with your loved ones, not to be a working machine that is productive 24/7.

Growing your freelancing means getting more money per hour and being able to work less and do it more meaningfully with clients that resonate with your vibration.

Write your short-term, middle, and long-term goals, and follow your strategy to accomplish them!


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