Is blogging the same as a full-time freelancing?

Is blogging the same as a full-time freelancing?

Is running a blog comparable to having a full-time job? Freelancers explain.

Yes, blogging can be similar to holding a job, especially if you’re already an online worker

Already working remotely, and recently started a blog? In this case, you definitely feel like having a full-time job. On the other hand, people who run a personal blog, and to if occasionally and not professionally, don’t feel like working full time. Of course, don’t let that trick you. Read out the entire article to realize what you can expect from starting a blog.

Running a blog requires commitment

You’ll probably run a blog as a part of your freelance career, or you’ll do it as a side job. In both ways, it does require commitment. First of all, you have to come up with an entire idea and a plan for your blog.

Once you start running it, there’s tons of work related to the maintenance. Writing regularly, social media channels, communication, trying to find clients who will support you, and figuring out how to make money from your blog – all this requires not only a lot of time but also energy and skills.

It’s true that being an entrepreneur is nothing like having an ordinary job

Blogging can actually be compared to being an entrepreneur – you have a lot of obligations and responsibilities, but you usually don’t have the same rights. For example, what do you do on a regular job when you get ill? You take a few days off, right? Well, for entrepreneurs and bloggers that’s not the case. You actually have to deal with all those difficult situations as freelancers do. Besides that, there’s a part of financial management as well, which you also need to do on your own.

Besides all minuses being mentioned, or better said – real-life situations explained if you’re passionate about blogging – go for it. It’s the same as freelancing – everyone with a dream, talent, skills, motivation and a plan can achieve it.

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