
For a freelancer, success is like the ray of light at the end of the tunnel. You cannot reach it without passing through the darkness. Until I discovered the way to cherish the perks, freelancing seemed terrifying to me.

Rejection is an inescapable piece of being a freelancer. Acknowledge and make peace with it, take advantage of your rejections, bid right, educate your clients, keep hunting.

Working at home isn’t as comfortable as it sounds. While the thought of working on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, and with no supervisor breathing down our neck can be tempting, the same reasons are good enough for distracting any freelancer from work.

When you are in the freelancing business and have effectively invested some energy there, it is normal that you will run over clients who are not simple to deal with.

The fear of facing interviews is an U - F - O - Universal Freelancers’ Obstacle. Millions of freelancers who are working all over the world today have faced this fear sometime for sure.


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