Saga Vigre Bohinen

Saga Vigre Bohinen

It is usually expected that a freelancer’s path to success is a long one. But Saga Vigre Bohinen, a freelance writer, social media and video editor, is proof that even as a young person you can make some of your dreams come true.

She grew up in South of Sweden dreaming of becoming a dancer. As I child, Saga loved reading, writing and dancing but also being in nature a lot. Growing up on a farm she sort of took it for granted, but now she really appreciate the freedom and nature she experienced growing up.

The more I learn, the more I want to learn

I see that you have studied some different topics – Language studies, Political science, Web Development, Academic Writing. Have your interests changed, or has something else influenced it?

University is free in Sweden, which is amazing! So I have studied many different topics to learn about things that interest me. I mainly studied whilst working to really maximise the use of my time, since I think the pace at University is a bit slow.

Funny enough I use the experience from all of my studies in my daily life, and I think University or learning is incredible important. The more I learn, the more I want to learn and I love to see how all different topics connect and create our world we live in. My interests are still the same, but I love learning new things, so studying is a way for me to learn more whilst gaining new interests!

Saga Vigre Bohinen

But writing seems to be your greatest love?

I always wanted to write and have done so since I was very little. Writing and literature, to me, goes hand in hand and language is my favourite way to express myself. With language we can create ourselves, limit ourselves, and experience life in a whole new way.

Words and writing are also a source of culture, history, tradition, and psychology and that is my favourite part about writing. That it crosses into all these different aspects of life.

If I am copywriting for a big brand psychology and length are very important factors, if I am writing a blog post flow and SEO might be much more important. So it all connects and if you know one thing, chances are you can use that thing you know when learning something new!

You have lived and worked in several countries. Tell us about that experience.

I never really liked travelling because I found it made me exhausted and I never really got to experience anything that felt real. So when I got the opportunity to instead live in different countries I was very happy.

Living and working in different countries gave me a whole new appreciation and understanding of the culture, people and everyday life. There is nothing like being able to experience everyday life as a true local in a foreign country.

I also found learning languages much easier whilst living in the country, and walking down a street, trying to do everything you normally do, but where no one speaks your language is a very humbling experience.

How did you decide to stay in New Zealand?

I am in New Zealand because of the opportunities to do modelling and acting here, and also because my partner is from here. New Zealand is a small country so it offers opportunities that can be very hard to come by otherwise.

Saga Vigre Bohinen

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my spare time I practice yoga, read as many books as I can, hike and swim (year around). I love movement, nature and literature so that is how I spend most of my time.

What was the last good book you read?

I have read so many good books… But the last book I read (that was also very good) was not a novel, but a book called “How Not to Diet” by Dr. Michael Greger which I recommend everyone to read.

You can live the life you dream of

You have a very interesting YouTube channel, how did you decide to start it?

I tried starting my YouTube channel twice but I struggled a bit with how to communicate my thoughts. I wanted to start a YouTube channel to share my experiences and what I have learnt.

I have struggled with depression and anxiety for many years, and because of this I have spent years learning how to live a better, more compassionate, ethical and meaningful life. And I really want other people to know that you can live the life you dream of – so that is what inspired my channel.

But the focus of your career is writing?

I don’t really have any career goals or focus in my career. My only goal is to learn more. I could probably be more niched, but I prefer learning new things and doing things I have never done before, so I try to only accept jobs that allow me to do so.

Saga Vigre Bohinen

What are the topics you like to write about?

I write about everything from tech start ups to beauty blogs to learning guides, every job is different.

What was the weirdest topic you ever wrote about?

A sound-theme quiz book. It was my first ever freelancing job…

Have you ever refused to write about something for any reason?

Yes, I often do not take jobs because of the content. I do not like making claims about health that are not based on good research, and I also do not like making people want to buy something because they are not good enough. Those jobs I always turn down.

What is the mistake you have learned the most from in your career?

To charge what you deserve. In the beginning I did not charge enough for what I was doing, because I was scared there would not be enough work. I wrote that whole quiz-book for less than what my hourly rate now is. Needless to say, it was a long mistake… So now I always make sure I ask for the right pay.

Freelancing was always something I wanted to do

What influenced you the most to start freelancing?

I felt a bit stuck in my work-life. I knew I did not want to work for someone else but I did not really know what else to do. Freelancing was always something I wanted to do, I just did not know how to go about it.

Why has UpWork become your choice?

One of my friends told me to try UpWork and within a week I quit my regular job. I find UpWork has so many jobs to choose from and as long as you only go with real, trustworthy clients it is a great platform.

Saga Vigre Bohinen

Do you have experience with any other platforms?

Not really. Sometimes I also used LinkedIn or Social Media!

What are the advantages of a freelance lifestyle for you?

Getting to work from home, and being able to live anywhere in the world!

And what are the disadvantages?

No pension scheme, but if you sort that our yourself I think freelancing is the best possible opportunity.

What do you love most about your job?

That I make enough money to feel happy, and that I get to choose how I spend my time. If I work I make money, if I want a break I can take one.

What are your success habits?

Organization, clear communication and always learning.

How do you organize your time?

I work in the beginning of the day, and try to not work in the afternoon. This makes me more motivated to organise my time effectively and spend time on my other projects throughout my day.

I learn, read, and write quicker than most people

If you could start all over again, what would you do differently?

Charge more and apply for jobs where I had less experience, but do it anyway.

What is your biggest motivation?

Financial freedom (FIRE).

How you deal with difficult clients?

I try to be professional and I am never ever emotional with a client. If a client is difficult I try to ask clear questions and make them give me an answer. I will then end the contract as soon as possible and stay away from these types of clients.

What do you think is your greatest strength?

I learn, read, and write quicker than most people which is very useful as a freelancer.

And greatest weakness?

Worrying about stability and the quality of my work. So often I worry about my work not being good enough and I am scared to check my UpWork messages, but really a client only just wanted one edit or really liked it.

Saga Vigre Bohinen

Which has been more valuable in your career, your education or your experience?

A combination of both, that is also the reason I decided to create my own degree at University instead of following a set curriculum.

What was the hardest decision you ever had to make as a freelancer?

To quit the jobs I liked but were not paying me enough.

What are you most grateful for in your freelance journey?

That I have gotten to do so many weird and new things, and the people I have met.

Confidence and ability are really important

Several factors are important for success. Can you name some of the most important for you?

Honesty, confidence and ability are really important to me. I try to always be honest with myself and with the people I work with. I value being confident because it makes my job easier. And I try to always learn new things so that I can be better at what I do.

If you had to single out one characteristic that is most important for the success of a freelancer, what would it be?


What is the best way to organize multiple jobs and private life?

Have a set schedule, work in one space (i.e. cafe or office desk, do not work in bed!), and do one thing at a time.

The best advice for those who are considering a freelance career?

Remember that you can always quit. Try it as a spare time job, do one or two projects and see how you feel. If you do not like it you can just quit.

Watch my YouTube video on how to become successful on UpWork and start today, not tomorrow!


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