Motivation Archives – Freelancelifemagazine News and resources for freelancers Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:08:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Motivation Archives – Freelancelifemagazine 32 32 No More Losing Hope – 6 Hacks To Stay Motivated As A Freelancer Thu, 06 May 2021 16:27:47 +0000 Working at home isn’t as comfortable as it sounds. While the thought of working on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, and with no supervisor breathing down our neck can be tempting, the same reasons are good enough for distracting any freelancer from work.

The post No More Losing Hope – 6 Hacks To Stay Motivated As A Freelancer appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


“You are never too old to set another goal… or see another dream.”

Working at home isn’t as comfortable as it sounds. While the thought of working on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, and with no supervisor breathing down our neck can be tempting, the same reasons are good enough for distracting any freelancer from work.

Before stepping forward to beat demotivation, it is vital that you accept you are facing it. Freelancers who fail to admit and/or mask their demotivation have a rough time as the consequences are worse. So before we take a sneak peek at the strategies for sustaining work motivation as a freelancer, let us discuss the indicators of de-motivation at work.

Signs that you are losing motivation from work

  • You feel unappreciated
  • You procrastinate important tasks
  • You fail deadlines and deliver poor content
  • You don’t want to get into the depth of the work
  • You start late and wrap up early
  • You are more attracted to watching your favorite shows on TV rather than working
  • You feel lonely and unsupported
  • You realize your faults but can’t get rid of them
Freelance motivation

6 Hacks For Sustaining Motivation As A Freelancer

1. “If you feel like quitting, think about why you started”

This is a quote I personally follow to get back on track. At times when it all seems hopeless and I can feel my motivation reaching the bottom, I look back at the time I desperately wanted to earn money.

We all freelance for a reason – to earn bread, to get rid of the job we hated, or to start our own business. Taking a look back is often a great push to move forward.

2. Work outside for a while

If you have read my article on Overcoming Loneliness As A Freelancer, you already know what I am talking about. It is the biggest advantage of being a freelancer that you can enjoy. Choose any place you like – your favorite coffee club, the library, a shopping mall, or even your garden. Just make sure you have a running internet connection, and you are good to go. Getting out of the monotonous home environment is an instant boost. Seeing other people passing around or working alongside brings positivity, and you can keep focusing on your work.

3. Take short breaks

Motivation and productivity are the flip sides of the same coin. Unless you are motivated and attracted to your work, you can never get the desired outcome.

A great way to stay motivated when you don’t want to is scheduling short breaks. Take a short time out from work, about 10-15 minutes, where you do something different. Have a snack, grab a tea, call your partner, check your mailbox, and come back to work. Continuous work can clutter the mind and start releasing stress hormones that make you feel down. Having a break will revive your energy. Make it a habit of not working for more than 3 hours at a stretch, take short pauses in between, and come back with more vitality.

4. Stick to a routine

Habits are more powerful than we think. Good or bad, they are difficult to break. And in case of freelancing, sticking to a daily routine can make all the difference.

It’s simple. Simply permit time for your meals, exercise, work, and recreation, and stick to the schedule on all working days. For a work from freelancer, habits can make a positive change – work till a certain time, say till 6 pm, and shut down your computer after that. Finish off all your tasks for the day within that time and leave the rest of the day to yourself and your family.

Tip: if you have trouble organizing your time, take a look at some of the Time management software that can make your life easier.


Never trade off with your wellbeing – physical or mental. If you are not healthy, you can never enjoy your work. Working with poor health conditions makes room for procrastination, eventually leading to losing motivation altogether.

Eat healthy everyday, have a good fitness regime, and stay hydrated. Journal your thoughts and be aware of what you are feeling, take care of your worries and de-stress yourself as often as you need. A healthy body and a sound mind is the first step to a strong freelancing career.


When motivation fails, negative thoughts creep in. You may find yourself wondering about possible failures and rejections, and start having self-doubts. But here is the trick. Use your power of (over)thinking – just change the situation you imagine in mind.

Sit back and imagine what it would feel like when you become a top-rated freelancer, how will it be like rejecting proposals because you are already getting so many, how liberating would it feel when you can take care of your bills and luxuries like you could never do before. Picturing yourself in the position you want to reach will motivate you to keep your hard work going. Almost instantly, you will gain your perspective back and get all charged up for achieving your goal.

Beating de-motivation as a freelancer is subjective. Some ideas may work like magic for you, but the same tricks may not make any difference to others. Picking the correct hacks to win back motivation is fundamental, but I can vouch for their advantages if you can pick the ones that suit you the best. So keep exploring possibilities, practice positive thinking, and remember, small progress each day will surely add up to something big.

What is your opinion?

If you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience of beating demotivation as a freelancer, please share with us. We would love to hear from you.

The post No More Losing Hope – 6 Hacks To Stay Motivated As A Freelancer appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

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