Psychology Archives – Freelancelifemagazine News and resources for freelancers Mon, 27 Mar 2023 14:35:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Psychology Archives – Freelancelifemagazine 32 32 Why Emotional Intelligence Matters In Freelancing – And 4 Ways To Build It Wed, 01 Sep 2021 14:27:24 +0000 Emotional Intelligence is the ability to create a balance between knowing what you don’t know and what you do know can be improved.

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Emotional Intelligence is the ability to create a balance between knowing what you don’t know and what you do know can be improved

Freelancing is tied in with building a sound one on one business association with every client you face. Unlike in full-time jobs where you have to deal with the same supervisor and colleagues every day, with independent outsourcing you need to experience distinctive clients with various expectations and levels of comprehension. Being socially, and more importantly, being emotionally intelligent helps a freelancer in building up the value of his service and maintaining the good working relationship with his clients.

Who is an Emotionally Intelligent Freelancer?

An Emotionally Intelligent Freelancer is one who has the ability to recognize his own emotions and relate to those of others. He listens without judgment and controls the way he responds to any situation. He is in charge of not only the work he does, but also of what he thinks and feels, and how he communicates with his clients.

Signs Of An Emotionally Intelligent Freelancer

  • Confidence, positivity, and assertiveness
  • Knowledge of what to say and how to say it
  • Awareness of his strength and weakness and willingness to adjust accordingly
  • Self-Motivation and Self-Evaluation
  • Extraordinary communication with the ability to evaluate non-verbal cues in interpersonal interactions (for example – voice tone, gestures, use of words, etc.)
  • Focus on results and self-improvement

The Building Blocks Of Emotional Intelligence

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters In Freelancing - And 4 Ways To Build It

Freelancing means you have to be skilled and hardworking enough to get the job, and aware enough to maintain your success. As most freelancers believe, it is not rosy anymore when you start juggling with different client demands, financial burdens, difficult clients, demotivation (occasionally) and on top of everything, personal stressors that can pop up anytime. Keeping your calm can be a real challenge when you are dealing so many things alone.

Daniel Goleman, in his famous work on Emotional Intelligence, has emphasized with evidence that the two biggest building blocks of any good career are – Emotional Awareness and Social Intelligence. Based on his research and findings, let us discuss the 4 key building blocks that can make you an Emotionally Intelligent and mindful freelancer.

1.   Awareness – Of Self And Surroundings

Every minute is a chance to act naturally mindful

Emotional Self-Awareness is the ability to tune into your own feelings, internal conflicts, and perception of the world. As a freelancer, it enables to see how your feelings affect your actions. Self-Awareness will help you in finding an unmistakable comprehension of your qualities and shortcomings and enable you to address issues and handle any unforeseen future confusions. The more you practice self-awareness, the more capable and cognizant your freelancing becomes.

2.   Self-Management – Emotional and Thought Control

Freelancers with higher emotional and self-control can direct themselves and remain in charge of their feelings. They think before acting and do not surge fast into accepting or rejecting proposals. Lack of emotional management lets anger assume control over your conduct at wrong circumstances. As a freelancer, it is fundamental that you hold your feelings in line because there is no one watching over you or correcting your mistakes.

3.   Social Mindfulness

Being socially mindful in freelancing helps to gain insight on how you can internalize the perceptions of others – it is a primary requisite that keeps you motivated and aroused to help your clients and do your best. Goleman suggested that there are two basic components of social awareness –

  1. Empathy – The competency that helps to detect feelings and comprehend the point of view of others, and
  2. Organizational Awareness -The competency that helps to assess the dynamics of the business relationship. With organizational awareness, you can explore more opportunities and make the most out of each project that you are handling.

4.   Managing Relationships

Building and maintaining a strong client relationship is the backbone of a successful freelancing career. Interpersonal conflicts with clients can potentially damage your productivity and affect your profile as a freelancer. Professionals who exceed in relationship management can quickly deal with disagreements with clients positively. They are solution-focused and use their Emotional Intelligence to nurture their relationships, both professionally and personally. And this is one of the greatest reasons why freelancers who communicate openly with clients are more likely to get long-term job offers and sustain as a successful freelancer, than others who don’t.

Cheat Sheet On Building E.I. As A Freelancer

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters In Freelancing - And 4 Ways To Build It

Emotional Intelligence impacts becoming, growing, and staying a successful freelancer. It is an anecdote to success, stress-release, and self-contentment. So, start devoting time to build your Emotional Awareness as a freelancer. Read more, talk more, listen more, feel more, and make sure your clients feel rewarded to work with you.

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10 Levers That Can Make You A Successful Freelancer Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:05:14 +0000 For a freelancer, success is like the ray of light at the end of the tunnel. You cannot reach it without passing through the darkness. Until I discovered the way to cherish the perks, freelancing seemed terrifying to me.

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“Success in life comes to those who simply refuse to give up.”

For a freelancer, success is like the ray of light at the end of the tunnel. You cannot reach it without passing through the darkness. When I decided to freelance, I didn’t know where to begin. Until I discovered the way to cherish the perks, freelancing seemed terrifying to me.

Success to me is –

S – Seeing your objectives
U – Understanding your shortcomings
C – Clarifying your thoughts
C – Creating a positive environment
E – Emphasizing improvement
S – Sticking to your path
S – Setting aside time for yourself

The 10 Levers For Becoming A Successful Freelancer

Successful Freelancer

1.   Excel In Communication

Communication in freelancing is different from other professional interactions. Here most of the recruiters won’t meet you in person or have your resume in front of them always. Knowing when to tell, what to say, and how to say is what we call the art of communication, and those who have mastered it could taste success much sooner.

Quick Tips –

  1. Always respond to a client within 24 hours. Spread business through word of mouth
  2. Agree to disagree. Don’t agree with the client if you have a different opinion. Sort it out beforehand
  3. When you refuse a client, end the conversation on a positive note like “would love to do further works for you”/ “please feel free to communicate anytime if you need”, etc.
  4. When you accept an offer, discuss the tidbits of the job with the client. Ask questions, educate the client about your skills, and agree on a plan before you start working on it.

2.   Be creative

Tap into your creative soul. As a freelancer, you are competing with millions of professionals globally, and you have to stand out from the others to make a difference. Use your imagination, read and research more, try to put in something new every time. If you have a passion for something (like I have for crafts), use them in your work where you can.

Quick Tips –

  1. Set aside 30 minutes daily for letting your thoughts wander. Note down any good idea that comes to your mind and discuss with the client if (and how) it can be incorporated in the work
  2. You already have the talent. All you need is putting the efforts in the right place, and success will be waiting at your doorstep
  3. Create unique content. Even though you can get all the information online, don’t rely just on them. Use them, but also try to input something that has never been told before
  4. Keep nurturing your creative passions. Be that music or art or sports, make sure you can dedicate time to them. The creative process will help in gathering more positivity and organizing your thoughts.

3.   Socialize

Studies indicate that lack of social interaction makes way for loneliness and reduces productivity.

Meet your friends and go out for day-outs or evening parties. Spend some time de-stressing yourself with friends and family where you are not thinking about work. On the other hand, staying in touch with communities inside the freelancing arena is also helpful. By joining communities and groups, you can gain awareness of the difficulties that other freelancers like you are facing and talk about overcoming them effectively.

Quick Tips –

  1. Meet friends, call them home or go out with them at least once a week
  2. Spend time with your family often
  3. Join freelancer communities. You can find plenty of them via your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts
  4. Attend freelancer meetups where you can chat, learn, and discuss the good and bad of freelancing

4.   Value yourself

Success is a reward, not a result. You have to keep putting in your best to get the best out of it. And the only way to get it is hard work and dedication. If you have the talent, if you are diligent, if you are in control of yourself, and you know that your work is worthy of the client’s time and money, you are already headed towards the road to a long-lasting and successful freelancing career.

5.   The STAR Method

A simple formula for succeeding as an independent freelancer is the S-T-A-R method, an acronym for –

  • S (Situation) – Analyze the situation – what your client wants, what are your skills, and how they both match
  • T (Task) – Be task-oriented. Work hard, be solution-focused, and try to reach targets before the deadline
  • A – (Action) – Take the right actions at the right time. Communicate when required, walk away when you have to, and dedicate yourself to accomplishments
  • R – (Results) – Aim for successfully completing every project that you take up. Successful freelancers do not consider quitting or leaving the job as an option ever.

6.   Assess And Note

Start this today, if you already haven’t. Practice making notes of everything important going on in your life – that may or may not be related to your work. Acknowledge your skills and shortcomings and focus on what you can improve. You can take a career assessment for this. Go for personality tests like the 16PF Personality Assessment or the EPQ (Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire) where you can get detailed knowledge about your aptitudes and suitable jobs for you. Make a compliment chart for yourself where you note down all the wonderful reviews that you have received from clients so far. Use it as a reminder to keep up the good work and positive spirit.


7.   Motivate Yourself

Derive motivation from everything around you. Start your day with positivity – wake up early, workout and meditate, eat healthy, and follow a plan. As I mentioned in my previous article on Overcoming Loneliness As A Freelancer, work outside sometimes. Refresh your mind as often you need to. When you see your motivation failing, call a friend, have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone you trust, and instill hope in yourself again and again.

8.   Have A Plan

You can’t succeed simply by jumping into the work. As I mentioned above, planning is the key to achieve reasonable success over time.

Make weekly schedules, you can use smart applications like Any Do , Google Tasks, or  Evernote for this. Create tasks in your calendar and strike them once you have completed them. Discuss the timeframe and deadlines with your clients before you start working on the project. Planning your day and your work not only saves you time and unnecessary stress, it is also a subtle way of conveying your reliability as a freelancer to the clients.

9.   Focus On The Positive

You know where you need to be one day, so center around what you can do now to wind up there. Don’t begrudge what you couldn’t become. Freelancing is another name for endless opportunities where nothing but your work matters. If you have a steady client base, focus on maintaining the relationships with them. Learn from failures and aim for achievements. Stick to your plan and try to make progress each day. Focusing on the positive track will let you –

  1. Approach long-term success in your freelancing business
  2. Reach your targets sooner
  3. Appreciate your efforts and stay motivated


10.   Manage Finances

We can’t deny that ‘Money matters’. If you have taken freelancing as your profession, start saving money and isolating funds. You may have earned thousands of dollars, but you will always feel broke when you have saved nothing from it. Having a good amount of funds saved for yourself brings a feeling of settlement and allows you to plan your life prudently. There are millions of freelancers who take care of their bills and their family, only because they have managed their finances well.

Quick Tips –

Split your earnings into three parts – expenses, taxes, and savings. It may not be the best way but is definitely a good start, and it works for me.

In A Nutshell

So there you have it, the ten simple and yet awesome tips to grow and succeed as a freelancer. They may not be the gospel truth – some you might find more useful than others, but these hacks will definitely help you capture the whole idea of success and how you can train yourself to achieve it. So “stay positive, work hard, and make it happen.”

What are your success strategies as a freelancer?

If you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience of how you trained your mind to succeed as a freelancer, please share with us. We would love to hear from you.

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Rejection Is Motivation – If You, As A Freelancer, Know How To Deal With It Fri, 28 May 2021 14:48:41 +0000 Rejection is an inescapable piece of being a freelancer. Acknowledge and make peace with it, take advantage of your rejections, bid right, educate your clients, keep hunting.

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“I love my rejection slips. They show me that I try.”

I truly got disappointed and began having self-doubts when 95% of my bids on Upwork got rejected. Didn’t know how to respond to clients when they turned down my proposals. Each time I got rejected, I felt broken, yet gullibly kept hoping and pitching for more projects. From my freelancing experience so far, I have realized that rejections are always hurtful, and the bad news is, no one can escape it.

Have you ever faced rejection as a freelancer? What steps did you take to deal with it?

Rejection, as I said, is an inescapable piece of being a freelancer. Regardless of how great you are, there will come a period when you’re overlooked and replaced by someone else. On the other hand, your work or thought is dismissed by your client altogether. You may be exhausting all your bids and getting ‘no’ for an answer for most of them.

This happened to me. Here is how I dealt with rejections and brought them to my favor.

The 5 Best Ways To Handle Rejection As A Freelancer

Rejection Is Motivation

Acknowledge and make peace with it

Being rejected is never decent and you can’t help it! But as you acquire more experience as a specialist in your field, you’ll slowly turn out to be more used to the ebbs and flows, and rejections will sting less. Acknowledge that you cannot please everyone. Make peace with the fact that you will be the best choice for some clients and the last option for some. Work on building your expertise and finding your niche (if you already haven’t).

Take advantage of your rejections

At the moment your bid gets rejected, endeavor to discover why you didn’t land a position, or why your work was rejected. Communicate with your clients if possible and utilize their reasons for rejection to learn and improvise. Use the feedback from your clients to enhance your skills. Taking criticisms positively opens up the way for bigger opportunities.

Quick Tip –

Role Reversal

Great way to grow from criticisms is by reversing the role in your head. Imagine yourself as the client and try to judge where did it go wrong? Analyze the areas that you might need to improve. Write down your evaluations and focus on improving them the next time.

Bid right

The two main mistakes many freelancers do to avoid rejections are –

  1. Overrate their bids when they have had the luck with many projects back to back
  2. Underrate their charges when the last few bids have been rejected.

Setting the right price is a very crucial aspect of freelancing. There is a fair chance of losing on the grounds that you were simply costly or sounded incredibly cheap. Do an in-depth market study and get an idea of what other freelancers like you charge. Once you are confident that your charges are reasonable, stick to it and focus on the other aspects like skills, time-management, and selecting the right job.

Educate your clients

It is sometimes a part of the job to make your clients aware of your specialty. Personally, I have experienced such clients many a time who did not have a well-thought-out work plan. They just had the funds and expected a strategy from me. Although this can seem troublesome, it is also an extraordinary opportunity to grow the working relationship.

When you comprehend criticism, ask solution-focused questions to the client like –

● “If I can settle this part, will you be glad to continue working with me?”
● “What do I have to change to meet the requirements?”
● “How do you see the end-product?”

Keep hunting

As a freelancer, you can’t afford put all your investments in one place. Once you get rejected for one job, you have so many other options to choose from. Always be on the lookout for new and better job opportunities. My personal strategy is setting aside four hours per week for hunting jobs, shortlisting them, and sending detailed proposals with the right bid prices.

Attempt to build a network of various customers, ventures, freelance jobs websites, and wellsprings of work, as you’ll then have other potential alternatives on the table, and it will likewise matter less to you if one of them doesn’t turn out well. The more open doors you put yourself out there for, the better your chances of achievement. Keep organizing, advertising, pitching, and tuning in to your current customers, with the goal that no single circumstance feels like a ‘do or die’ thing.

The long-term solution is to excel in your field and establish yourself as a freelancer. While rejections will continue stinging, remind yourself that they are adding the route and prompting new openings. Even the best in your field have faced dismissals sooner or later in their lives. So the next time your bid fails, don’t give it a chance to influence you to feel down. Rather let it fire you up, stay motivated and make you more resolved to succeed.

What is your experience?

If you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience please write to us. We would love to hear from you.

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No More Losing Hope – 6 Hacks To Stay Motivated As A Freelancer Thu, 06 May 2021 16:27:47 +0000 Working at home isn’t as comfortable as it sounds. While the thought of working on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, and with no supervisor breathing down our neck can be tempting, the same reasons are good enough for distracting any freelancer from work.

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“You are never too old to set another goal… or see another dream.”

Working at home isn’t as comfortable as it sounds. While the thought of working on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, and with no supervisor breathing down our neck can be tempting, the same reasons are good enough for distracting any freelancer from work.

Before stepping forward to beat demotivation, it is vital that you accept you are facing it. Freelancers who fail to admit and/or mask their demotivation have a rough time as the consequences are worse. So before we take a sneak peek at the strategies for sustaining work motivation as a freelancer, let us discuss the indicators of de-motivation at work.

Signs that you are losing motivation from work

  • You feel unappreciated
  • You procrastinate important tasks
  • You fail deadlines and deliver poor content
  • You don’t want to get into the depth of the work
  • You start late and wrap up early
  • You are more attracted to watching your favorite shows on TV rather than working
  • You feel lonely and unsupported
  • You realize your faults but can’t get rid of them
Freelance motivation

6 Hacks For Sustaining Motivation As A Freelancer

1. “If you feel like quitting, think about why you started”

This is a quote I personally follow to get back on track. At times when it all seems hopeless and I can feel my motivation reaching the bottom, I look back at the time I desperately wanted to earn money.

We all freelance for a reason – to earn bread, to get rid of the job we hated, or to start our own business. Taking a look back is often a great push to move forward.

2. Work outside for a while

If you have read my article on Overcoming Loneliness As A Freelancer, you already know what I am talking about. It is the biggest advantage of being a freelancer that you can enjoy. Choose any place you like – your favorite coffee club, the library, a shopping mall, or even your garden. Just make sure you have a running internet connection, and you are good to go. Getting out of the monotonous home environment is an instant boost. Seeing other people passing around or working alongside brings positivity, and you can keep focusing on your work.

3. Take short breaks

Motivation and productivity are the flip sides of the same coin. Unless you are motivated and attracted to your work, you can never get the desired outcome.

A great way to stay motivated when you don’t want to is scheduling short breaks. Take a short time out from work, about 10-15 minutes, where you do something different. Have a snack, grab a tea, call your partner, check your mailbox, and come back to work. Continuous work can clutter the mind and start releasing stress hormones that make you feel down. Having a break will revive your energy. Make it a habit of not working for more than 3 hours at a stretch, take short pauses in between, and come back with more vitality.

4. Stick to a routine

Habits are more powerful than we think. Good or bad, they are difficult to break. And in case of freelancing, sticking to a daily routine can make all the difference.

It’s simple. Simply permit time for your meals, exercise, work, and recreation, and stick to the schedule on all working days. For a work from freelancer, habits can make a positive change – work till a certain time, say till 6 pm, and shut down your computer after that. Finish off all your tasks for the day within that time and leave the rest of the day to yourself and your family.

Tip: if you have trouble organizing your time, take a look at some of the Time management software that can make your life easier.


Never trade off with your wellbeing – physical or mental. If you are not healthy, you can never enjoy your work. Working with poor health conditions makes room for procrastination, eventually leading to losing motivation altogether.

Eat healthy everyday, have a good fitness regime, and stay hydrated. Journal your thoughts and be aware of what you are feeling, take care of your worries and de-stress yourself as often as you need. A healthy body and a sound mind is the first step to a strong freelancing career.


When motivation fails, negative thoughts creep in. You may find yourself wondering about possible failures and rejections, and start having self-doubts. But here is the trick. Use your power of (over)thinking – just change the situation you imagine in mind.

Sit back and imagine what it would feel like when you become a top-rated freelancer, how will it be like rejecting proposals because you are already getting so many, how liberating would it feel when you can take care of your bills and luxuries like you could never do before. Picturing yourself in the position you want to reach will motivate you to keep your hard work going. Almost instantly, you will gain your perspective back and get all charged up for achieving your goal.

Beating de-motivation as a freelancer is subjective. Some ideas may work like magic for you, but the same tricks may not make any difference to others. Picking the correct hacks to win back motivation is fundamental, but I can vouch for their advantages if you can pick the ones that suit you the best. So keep exploring possibilities, practice positive thinking, and remember, small progress each day will surely add up to something big.

What is your opinion?

If you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience of beating demotivation as a freelancer, please share with us. We would love to hear from you.

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How Finding a Niche Benefits Freelancers Sat, 10 Apr 2021 08:51:44 +0000 When it came to freelancing as a writer, I thought I could attempt any type of content, as I ‘love’ writing. I was wrong. Most of the times when I got an interview, I could not satisfy the interviewer.

The post How Finding a Niche Benefits Freelancers appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


“If you want success, be unique.”

When it came to freelancing as a writer, I thought I could attempt any type of content, as I ‘love’ writing. I was wrong, although writing is one of the jobs in demand. Most of the times when I got an interview, I could not satisfy the interviewer. I figured out that although I love writing, my area of expertise was not clear to my clients, which is why I was losing opportunities. I realized that mental health is the best thing I can endeavor to compose on because that is the field I have been exploring for 10 years now.

Before long, I updated my profile with the niche as mental health, and the game started changing. I got interviews, and this time, I cracked them. I understood the nuances of the work and in about a month’s time, I had different ventures close by.

How Finding A Niche Helped My Freelancing Business

1.    I was more focused

My niche helped me to focus more on the quality of work. I started taking fewer projects and dedicated myself fully on researching and creating the best I can. I deliberately took care of each detail and utilized my past research materials when I could.
My niche also directed me to the best-matched jobs. Thereafter, I sent out proposals only to the jobs relevant to my area of study and could optimize the limited number of connects that I got from Upwork every month.

2.    I earned more in less time

One of the biggest advantages of ruling out niche was that I started earning more by giving less time. I took around 2-3 ventures for each month that paid off well and disseminated my working hours equitably. I did not have to struggle with allotting time for understanding what the job is all about. Since I was already specialized in the field, I could delve into research and content creation right away. It spared me a ton of time and furthermore cleared a path for taking up more offers. I began offering for long-haul extends that advanced my monetary profits and in the meantime expanded my reliability to existing clients.

3.    My profile got visibility

Ever since I started taking up assignments in my niche, my profile visibility has been increasing organically. I receive more invitations and interviews that I did before and I can prepare myself better for facing recruiters.
With the niche, I could complete my jobs successfully and earned some great reviews from my clients which in turn helped in increasing my profile visibility online. And within some months, my job success rate started going high.

4.    I had a firm grasp on my understanding

I knew what I was working on. I knew where I needed to improve and what I needed to study. My communications with my clients were not as difficult anymore. I completed a market investigation of what other mental wellness authors are taking a shot at, what is the need of the hour, what are the standard rates different freelancers like me charge, and what are the limitations they have confronted. I prepared myself well according to the market demands and it helped a lot in making the most out of my business.

Find Your Niche Today – The ‘TUBE’ Rule

Finding a niche is ‘the’ most important factor to get your freelancing business growing fast. Especially in today’s competitive market, having a niche is the only way you can stand out from the crowd and become a successful freelancer.

If you are still pondering on where to start, try the TUBE Formula for ruling out your niche as a freelancer.


Think Utilize Build Explore

 For example, if you are a writer, explore what you love writing on – whether it is a blog on your area of study, research materials, storybooks or novels.

Choose something that you have been pursuing so far or a niche that is similar to your past working experience. If you can align your past experience with the freelancing business, you will have better chances of tasting success soon.

Keep on improving your existing skills. Read more, write more, attend workshops and seminars and enroll in online courses. If your business is built on skills and knowledge, it will definitely grow better than your expectations.

When you are confused, take up multiple jobs in various fields and see the one you did the best. Probably that is something you can take up as your niche.

What is your experience?

If you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience of how finding a niche helped you as a freelancer, please share with us. We would love to hear from you.

The post How Finding a Niche Benefits Freelancers appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

Overcoming Loneliness As A Freelancer Who Works From Home Sun, 04 Apr 2021 17:18:10 +0000 I knew that something wasn’t right with me. I was ready to make things right, however, didn’t know where to begin. After a few good reads and long discussions with family and friends, I finally discovered my method for beating the loneliness and demotivation as a freelancer. It was only a little change in my daily schedule that made all the difference.

The post Overcoming Loneliness As A Freelancer Who Works From Home appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


“One day, offices will be a thing of the past”

The wedding bells had just rung. We had moved to a new city and I was having a tough time finding new work. That is how it all started. Soon after, I decided to give my writing spree a chance to grow and started a freelancing business in Upwork.

Things have been great so far. Yes, there were rejections and failures, but I was enjoying every bit of it. I spent hours researching, exploring, reading, writing, and improvising. It felt like ‘fun had just begun’.

I don’t remember exactly, it was around 8 months that I had been working as a freelancer when suddenly, things started going downhill and I realized I was losing motivation.

The mornings were awful. I felt aimless as soon as my husband left for work and in spite of having multiple projects queued up, I simply didn’t want to open my workstation now and again. I slept more, ate more, cried more, watched television for hours, wound up crankier, and had to ask clients for extensions. I was doing everything that was made me feel worse.

I knew that something wasn’t right with me. I was ready to make things right, however, didn’t know where to begin. After a few good reads and long discussions with family and friends, I finally discovered my method for beating the loneliness and demotivation as a freelancer. It was only a little change in my daily schedule that made all the difference.

Here is how I did it, and you can do it too.

I went out every day

It really helped. I started my work early (by 9 am) and went out after lunch. I took a short walk nearby, bought some groceries when I needed to, got myself a coffee and came home within an hour, resuming work thereafter. I also joined yoga classes to maintain my physical fitness. Taking a break from work did two things to me – I was more motivated to complete a major chunk of my day’s work before lunch, and I got re-energized when I started working after coming back.

I worked outside

Once I decided to explore and enjoy the benefits of freelancing, the loneliness started to subside. Twice a week or so, I would take my laptop and go outside for work. I worked at the beach on sunny days, at the library or my favorite coffee shop. Changing the work atmosphere increased my attention and I could accomplish my tasks with much ease.

I communicated often with my clients

It truly helps the freelancing business when you are receptive to your customers. Speaking with my customers helped me pick up clearness over the work and fabricate a decent working compatibility. I was accessible for facetime or voice calls and responded within 24 hours. My customers were glad which encouraged me to work harder and keep their trust unblemished.

I delivered before the deadline

I continued driving myself to finish the work at hand before the deadline, with the goal that I got more time for myself and my family. Each time I met a due date, it felt like an accomplishment that helped me to hone this without fail. I discovered self-reward to be an awesome thought for curbing the loneliness. Now and again, I remunerated myself with little treats like a cheat feast or an unwinding spa for effectively finishing a task inside the time period.

No work on weekends

To beat the monotony of working from home, I tied it in a time-frame. I worked right around 7 hours every day and made a point to complete the week’s assignments by Friday night. I delivered my undertakings before the end of the week and then there was the entire weekend for me to appreciate. Returning to chip away on Monday wasn’t that terrible any longer.

I found my niche

I had found my niche when I began outsourcing and this is something that I would advise all my fellow freelancers out there. Discover your specialty of work, your specialized topic, something that you know you are great at. Working in a particular niche is constantly rewarding as you are doing what you adore. It brings a feeling of satisfaction from inside, and you will achieve success much sooner than you anticipate.

Building career as a freelancer requires the same amount of exertion and devotion as any other profession. So keep up your awesome work, de-stress yourself as often as you need to, have a great social life, and appreciate the flexibility freelancing offers you.

Evaluate Yourself
  • Have you ever experienced loneliness as a freelancer working from home?
  • Were you able to motivate yourself to overcome the loneliness?
  • What strategies do you follow to keep yourself motivated as a freelancer?
If that you have any remarks or might want to share your own experience of beating loneliness as a freelancer, please share with us. We would love to hear from you.

The post Overcoming Loneliness As A Freelancer Who Works From Home appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.
