Three steps to recording freelance success

Three steps to recording freelance success

Success in Freelancing is attainable. With the rapid changes recorded in the workspace, more knowledgeable experts abandon regular employment for freelancing. For some, remote work is a means to generate additional income.

Freelance is recording huge changes and according to research by Upwork, reports show that about 59 million citizens involve in freelancing.

For freelancers, opportunities abound and so is competition. With so many people in freelance, it is essential to skill up in order to manage your business well. Professionals share three key insights from years of experiences in the freelance field.

1. Proper Management of Your Freelance Career

Managing your freelance career is as important as rendering top-notch services to your clients.

Brian Bass, a freelance medical writer, suggests practical steps to follow for the initiation and maintenance of a buoyant remote business. Below are some of the insights.

  • There should be a thoughtful and suitable business structure.
  • Availability of tools which involves hardware, software, subscriptions, business cards, a website, and membership in professional associations.
  • A distinction between business and personal life, a supportive team and suitable insurance policies.

2. Building a Network of Satisfied Clients

Oftentimes, asking your clients too many questions or charging quite low could drive them away. It is therefore important to build mutually rewarding clients’ relationships. It means your business has to occassionally offer extra value, share new ideas and resources or deliver the job ahead of the deadline.

According to candy L. Kryder, there are 12 bad behaviors that can hinder the growth of a freelance business and these behaviors could send clients away. As it is shown in Three Keys to Freelance Success on AMWA site, they include:

  • Not meeting up with deadlines;
  • Billing more than you estimated;
  • Charging clients too small;
  • Shunning phone calls and emails from clients’;
  • Missing your target audience;
  • Putting up an error‑filled work;
  • Putting up excuses for inferior jobs;
  • Asking clients too many questions;
  • Being inflexible with project;
  • Making up complaints about revising project;
  • Saying yes too many times;
  • Having a low social media judgment.

3. Developing Marketing Strategies that work.

As a freelancer, it is essential to know how to reach clients that pay. No matter how skilled a freelancer you are, you might not land high paying jobs if you do not know how to connect clients whose pay are measurable to your worth.

Sourcing for clients as a freelancer is important. It means you have to build a marketing structure which assists you to get and keep clients. More so, networking through associations of professionals would be of help as you’ll get to meet other freelancers having the same challenges as you.


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