Review Archives – Freelancelifemagazine News and resources for freelancers Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:46:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Review Archives – Freelancelifemagazine 32 32 – Streamlining tasks and project managements using the latest technology Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:26:38 +0000 This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through those links. Proclaiming that it is ‘The Ultimate To-Do List App for Tasks and Project Management!’ was launched in May 2023. Sabiry is the company’s Partnership Success Manager and is delighted that has received such positive… Continue reading – Streamlining tasks and project managements using the latest technology

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This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through those links.

Proclaiming that it is ‘The Ultimate To-Do List App for Tasks and Project Management!’ was launched in May 2023. Sabiry is the company’s Partnership Success Manager and is delighted that has received such positive response since its launch and is already gaining traction in the market. Sabiry Is currently building strong relationships to provide support to ensure success for clients using and promoting

On its website, describes itself as –

‘a comprehensive software designed to enhance productivity, streamline task management, and facilitate effective project collaboration’

– which sounds almost too good to be true! Sabiry explains –

‘ is designed to revolutionize productivity by providing a comprehensive software solution for task management and project collaboration. Our intuitive interface and powerful features help users stay organized, prioritize tasks, and collaborate seamlessly’. has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible and incorporates the latest AI technology. Its AI-powered features offer intelligent task suggestions, automated task generation, and smart prioritization – with the result that its users find it much easier to stay on top of their ‘to-do’ lists.

The app works in three straightforward steps: 


Create Projects

The app helps you to organize your tasks and projects like a pro! It is easy to create multiple projects and to track the progress of each with detailed statistics.


Add Tasks and Assign them

Tasks can be added, and these plus projects assigned to different members of your team. Files can be attached, and it is easy to set reminders and due dates.


Get More Work Done makes project and task management easier, by helping you follow progress at every stage, monitor task status and track events with the calendar. Staying on top of all the different aspects is much easier and straightforward which means increased productivity and no missed deadlines.

What is the target audience?

The target audience for is proving to be very diverse and ranges from individuals working independently to those running smaller businesses. The app is proving equally popular with larger teams and enterprises. The software is ideal for anyone seeking to boost their productivity, improve task management and streamline collaboration within their projects.

The new software is also proving attractive to freelancers too as it empowers them to efficiently manage their tasks, track project progress, and collaborate with clients and team members more effectively. The software provides a centralized platform that is the focus for organizing work and delivering results – on time.

What gives the edge?

I asked Sabiry what makes the new software different from its competitors?

‘What sets apart from competitors is our focus on simplicity, user-friendly design, and the integration of AI technology. We strive to provide an intuitive and seamless user experience, combined with powerful features that make task management effortless’.

When designing the software, ease of use was a top priority. Sabiry explains-

‘We have designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring that anyone can quickly navigate the software and start organizing their tasks without  the need for a steep learning curve’.

A great deal of thought has gone into making the software suitable – and secure – for larger companies to use, with numerous people needing to access it –

‘In larger companies, multiple users can have access to diaries and task management information. We prioritize data security and implement robust measures to protect user information. User permissions and access controls are in place to ensure that sensitive data remains secure within the organization.

All the features incorporated in are viewed as important by potential clients, but the one that they find particularly exciting is the AI-powered task generation and prioritization. This feature intelligently suggests tasks based on user patterns and priorities and this enables users to focus on what matters most, prioritise, and stay on track.

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Give yourself a free trial

The best way of determining hot can help you is to give the software a free trial. By putting the software to the test, you can assess its ease of use and in your own time you can explore the software and see for yourself how it can   transform your productivity and task management.

Once you have completed the free trial, you will have the option to subscribe to one of the plans based on your individual needs.  Flexible subscription options are offered to ensure that users can continue enjoying the benefits of beyond the trial period.

As launched just a couple of months ago, there is a comprehensive advertising campaign currently underway and this includes digital marketing campaigns, social media promotion, content marketing, and targeted advertisements across various platforms. The aim of the advertising is to reach the target audience with the important message of the value can bring to so many people.

As the Partnership Success Manager, Sabiry’s main focus is building and nurturing strategic partnerships with businesses and organizations that can benefit from integrating into their workflows. He aims to ensure that our partners receive maximum value and support from our software.

What was the idea behind the development of

Sabiry explains that the idea behind stems from a personal need for a comprehensive and efficient task management solution –

As someone who struggled with juggling multiple tasks and projects, I wanted to develop a tool that could simplify and streamline the process. This motivated me to create and provide others with a powerful software to enhance their productivity’.

What future plans?

With the launch of the software generating plenty of interest in the market place, What is Sabiry’s ultimate goal for

‘Our ultimate goal is to empower individuals and teams to achieve their highest level of productivity using We want the software to become an indispensable tool that helps users stay organized, prioritize tasks effectively, collaborate seamlessly, and ultimately accomplish their goals. We aim to be a catalyst for productivity and success in both personal and professional endeavours’.

Certainly to achieve this goal, Sabiry is well aware that having launched the software, he and his team are committed to continually evolving  the software and are ambitious in their future plans –

‘We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation, constantly refining and expanding our features based on user feedback and emerging trends. Our roadmap includes enhancing the AI capabilities, introducing new collaboration features, and expanding integrations with popular productivity tools. We also plan to expand our user base, reaching more individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide who can benefit from And its use of AI technology to enhance the task management experience’.

We put to the test….

If you are seeking a highly efficient task management application that offers user-friendly features and seamless browser integration, look no further than While a free version is available and suitable for beginners, we highly recommend the Pro version for freelancers with multiple clients and projects, as well as solopreneurs. provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance productivity and facilitate task organization, whether working independently or collaboratively.

The finer details including pricing

Pricing for varies across three tiers of service: free, Pro ($9/month, with a discounted rate of $7.5/month for annual plans), and Business ($39 per month, with a discounted rate of $32.5/month for annual plans). The free account allows for 1 project, 1 user team, and 3 tasks. The Pro plan, on the other hand, offers expanded capabilities, including up to 10 projects, task generation through artificial intelligence, up to 10 user teams per project, unlimited reminders, unlimited storage, unlimited tasks, as well as project and calendar sharing. For extensive project needs, the Business plan provides unlimited projects and up to 50 user teams per project.

Creating tasks within is a straightforward process, thanks to its user-friendly interface, which ensures easy comprehension for all users. The application offers two viewing modes, dark and light, allowing individuals to select the option that best suits their preferences.

Collaboration within involves assigning users to specific projects. To initiate collaboration with a new team member, an invitation can be sent via email. Once the invitation is accepted, collaborators can be assigned tasks, and additional information can be shared through file uploads and task comments.

Currently, functions as a web application, with Android and iOS versions anticipated in the near future. In the meantime, users can take advantage of browser add-ons available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, providing a convenient and practical experience.


Well designed and easy to use, will have wide appeal as it is clever software that will improve productivity, facilitate team participation on projects and keep each step on track to ensure success completion by the deadline – perfect!

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A.Team – A place to team up with top-class professionals Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:46:08 +0000 From A.Team, they say that everyone who wants to create and build amazing and worthy things must team up with other experts from various fields. This members-only network has a mission to team up experts from fields such as engineering, product creation, marketing remote workers, as well as design freelancers. Therefore, we can easily conclude… Continue reading A.Team – A place to team up with top-class professionals

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From A.Team, they say that everyone who wants to create and build amazing and worthy things must team up with other experts from various fields. This members-only network has a mission to team up experts from fields such as engineering, product creation, marketing remote workers, as well as design freelancers. Therefore, we can easily conclude that this place is perfect for all remote and online workers who are searching for reliable experts with whom they can start working on larger and more important gigs and projects.

A place for both builders and companies

Another amazing thing about A.Team is that it’s not only created for builders of all sorts but also for companies. Founders, CO-founders, and innovation leaders are always searching for reliable and ready teams which can help them continue building a strong brand and creating the same digital image.

Companies are happy that they can find freelance and remote experts, and not hire full-time employees. Why? Because this definitely cut their costs off. For example, a full-time product designer can cost them up to $1,600,000, while the total annual cost for A.Team product designer would be a little bit less than $800,000.

Of course, things are great for that product designers as well because they won’t work full-time, and besides that, they can work for other companies as well, which means earning more money than working full-time for just one company. Therefore, A.Team brings a win-win situation for everyone.

How to build an A.Team that’s capable to solve literally any online problem?

From finTech, health-tech, and e-commerce, through marketplaces, web3, and the future of work, to even media & entertainment. Take just 10 minutes of your time to explore various A.Team’s categories. It’s easy to conclude how A.Team follows the latest news that is related to artificial intelligence as well. For example, employers and companies can find generative AI prototyping teams, health tech web app teams, full-stack e-commerce teams, and many others. This can help clients resolve all issues they have with just one team. This saves tons of time because they don’t have to search for individuals that are experienced in certain tech fields.

Not to mention how much time interviewing individuals can take. In the end, employers are often not satisfied with the remote workers they hire. This way, with A.Team, they can be sure that they’re talking to professionals, and not only that – it’s a team that knows how to work their best together.

Companies can calmly give them an entire project and literally forget about it until it’s done.


Elite tech teams on demand

A.Team consists of world-class tailor-fit teams. Companies say that they love the fact that A.Team allows them to build and manage teams on their own as well. Building an onboard team can from now on be done within days. Another plus of this member-only network is pay-as-you-go flexibility. There are two ways in which you can build teams on A.Team.

The first one is tackling greenfield opportunities, and the other one considers empowering agile innovation, where you can augment current teams.

Clients and companies also supercharge already created teams, by adding other professionals into them. Sometimes, your project requires more people. In the freelancing and online world, you never know what new idea you can come up with. That new idea may require a new person to work on it, to see things from a different angle.

Build your team from scratch

Have an idea and a plan for a product, but don’t want to choose a team that’s already made up? No problem – a lot of clients opt for building their teams of professional workers from scratch. You can either choose this team to be your core team or an additional one.

There are only 3 steps that have to be taken so you can create a team of your dreams:

  1. Plan your team in detail – think about which roles you need, what fields of expertise, and how many people would you like to work with, and so on. Don’t forget to set your start date for the project. It would be great if you can think ahead about the ending time of the project too.
  2. Your team can be ready within a week. Once you send it to A.Team what you need, what your plans are, and what you’re searching for, they can create your ideal team in just one week. It’s always highly recommended to review your team proposal so you can be 100% sure that the team fits you. There’s a chance to write comments or change the team if needed.
  3. Get your own team dashboard. As a client, you’re finally happy with the team you got from A.Team, and now the network will give you a team dashboard. There, you are able to start signing contracts, as well as including everything related to your product or project.

Build outstanding products just as unicorns do

If you’re thinking about creating and launching an amazing product that would win over the entire Internet market, A.Team is a great place to start. You don’t even need to have your own idea – a lot of times professionals can provide their own ideas and help you create an outstanding product, similar to those that come from unicorns. Some of the great projects coming from A.Team include gen AI-powered coaching enablement for early-stage founders, and BioTech’s supply chain product to support Covid-19 vaccine distribution, a mobile coffee app reinventing local commerce at scale, and many others. You can see how powerful these products are – create your own, let A.Team helps you with the idea and the entire building process.

Check out the new issue of freelance life magazine

Read new interviews, check the latest freelance news from the internet, find current app reviews, useful career tips and news from freelance platforms, see the latest freelance nomads destinations and much more!

For people who are made for big things

Okay, now that we have focused on clients and companies for a bit, let’s explain why A.Team is a perfect place for you as a worker. This member-only network is specially created for all individuals who are capable to build things that matter, and for those who are ready, to lead outstanding teams.

If you have a lot of experience working in the online business, don’t be afraid to take your chance in A.Team. Maybe they are waiting for a skilled individual such as you.

What skills do you need to own to become a part of A.Team? Besides having knowledge, talents, and skills online business-related fields, you need to be a great planner, and communicator, problem-solving-oriented worker, a critical thinker, someone who is great in both leadership and collaboration, as well as a great listener with attention to details. Keep in mind that the work you do on A.Team is always high-paying.


Superpowers that come from cloud-based teams

It’s no secret that the best things on this planet are created by well-organized, talented, skilled, and outstanding teams. That’s exactly the idea with which A.Team has started building its mission and vision. In nowadays world where remote work is becoming more and more important and is constantly rising, this is a great opportunity for everyone in the online business to put things on a completely new level.

Companies that are oriented to building products of the future say that networks such as A.Team are of crucial value for their business.


We can definitely say that this is a great network both for freelancers, online and remote workers, as well as employers, companies, and online business owners. This is a network for everyone who dreams big and is ready to implement their ideas into practice.

A network that offers you a chance to work high-paying gigs and jobs, if you’re an online worker or freelancers, and a network that will transform your big idea into something marvelous that just unicorns can create – if you’re an online business owner, a company founder, or just an employer.

Saving time while searching for talented individuals, forgetting about the hiring process that can drain your energy, and being completely sure that you’re always surrounded by amazing professionals is what A.Team can offer to everyone.

We empower everyone who believes that their skills and talents will be recognized to try A.Team and meet the same experts. Everyone on A.Team has a big dream, but they also definitely stand out from the crowd in an already crowded online market.

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BOTZ – Set Your Blog on Autopilot with AI Wed, 24 May 2023 15:54:32 +0000 BlogBing’s latest offering is a product called GetBotz. It has been created to automate content while keeping marketers in focus. What exactly is Getbotz: Getbotz is an AI enabled tool to help businesses to maintain consistency in their content. It provides an end-to-end solution for blog automation. The challenges that Getbotz solves: It is tough… Continue reading BOTZ – Set Your Blog on Autopilot with AI

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BlogBing’s latest offering is a product called GetBotz. It has been created to automate content while keeping marketers in focus.

What exactly is Getbotz: Getbotz is an AI enabled tool to help businesses to maintain consistency in their content. It provides an end-to-end solution for blog automation.

The challenges that Getbotz solves: It is tough for early-stage businesses maintain consistency in their content. The time and commitment that consistent content needs are often not available. Founders also find it challenging to spend money on content agencies given that it takes time to see results. Doing it by oneself can be repetitive and feel like a chore.

How Getbotz writes articles: Getbotz starts by finding keywords using data from Google. It uses those keywords to generate ideas for topics for articles. The next step is writing the article. It then optimizes the article for readability and SEO. It also introduces a cover image, meta tags, and alt tags. Getbotz then submits the article to Google for indexing with the help of Google APIs.

How Getbotz works: Getbotz’s sister company provides access to SEO data like keywords and traffic patterns. This data is then combined with Open AI GPT-4 and other algorithms to automate the content process.

The botz connects to the search console of the website and keeps a constant watch on its Google ranking to see what kind of content is working for the blog. It then keeps optimizing content around that.

Getbotz can currently write content in more than 25 languages from around the world. Some of the languages it supports are English, Chinese, Spanish, German, Korean, Dutch, and Japanese.

We spoke with Saurabh Chauhan, Co-founder & CEO at BlogBing Group, about Getbotz, AI, and the future of business. Here are some highlights from the interview.

Hi Saurabh, thanks a lot for taking the time to speak with us.

Where are you based?

I live in Rajkot. It is a city in the state of Gujarat in northwest India.

Have you always been here?

Yes, I have lived in Rajkot most of my life. I was born here, did all of my studies here, and now my startup is also based here.

How did your entrepreneurial journey start?

I have been an entrepreneur since the age of 10. BlogBing is my 7th venture, which I started conceptualizing and working on in my second year of engineering.

All my ventures have been in the computer industry. I have partnered with schools, taking care of their computers and signing service contracts with them. Other things I have done are software development and Information Technology services.

Please tell me more about BlogBing.

When I was in engineering college, I found that a lot of students had the potential to start their own businesses. However, they were constrained by resources in terms of time, expertise, and money to do effective sales and marketing. That inspired me to found Udaan – a training company of sorts to help students with learning about marketing.

While we were teaching students, the idea occurred to us that if only we could automate all of this for them, anyone can start a business without having to learn and worry about things like SEO, blogs, and digital marketing.

With this intent of automating sales and marketing for businesses, we started BlogBing in 2015. The target audience for BlogBing was mainly B2B businesses. The goal was to provide automated support for different aspects of marketing, like drafting and sending emails, providing customer support, collecting customer feedback, and creating content.

How did GetBotz come into being?

We launched GetBotz internally about 6 to 8 months ago and went public with it last month.

GetBotz was already part of our overall plan for content. AI is growing rapidly and we wanted to build on that to automate content writing.

With GetBotz, our aim is to replace content teams with AI.

Who is GetBotz mainly for?

We are mainly targeting local businesses. They understand that content is important for their success but do not have the right team or are constrained by money or time. 

At present, most of our customers are B2B technology companies.

Do you think you can also cater to B2C businesses?

We are venturing into B2C slowly. As my expertise is in B2B, it might take some time to learn how B2C markets work.

Do you think this kind of product is more suited to a technology business than a consumer business?

I would say it is the other way around. Consumer businesses have the data. They also have an existing need for content because their customers are looking for answers.

Also, small businesses, especially consumer facing, will get better results from AI generated content compared to the wide scope of big businesses. 

Where do you see GetBotz going in the future?

So far with GetBotz, we have been focused on how to write the content. We now want to move towards more focus on SEO.

We are testing if we can push the brand into the content and create brand recall for the business. By creating more value for the customer through relevant and need-based content, we can enable a win-win for both the business and the customer.

We are also trying to see if AI can learn cultural nuances. Different cultures have different needs: some prefer shorter content compared to long-format, some prefer to see data and numbers, and some use language differently.

We want to provide customers with what they want to read.

Google will have so much more content because of AI. What is the end game?

The content war has always been on. Everyone is present on all platforms. We are a data company. People are moving more and more towards shorter content. We are trying to see how we can summarize all of the information that is available online and make it crisper, easier, and more concise. Also, can we make it available as fast as possible to the reader? We are trying to change how people consume content.

Where do you think all of this is going? What is the future of AI?

The ultimate objective is to replace people with AI. We see it happening in the next 10 years. Eventually, we will move towards an economy where people are needed not for routine chores but for thinking and strategizing. We need to take away boring tasks from people and put thinkers in the system.

How will this transition affect freelancers?

If you cannot adopt, you will be out of the market. But this is true for all areas of work and business. If you do not adapt, someone will replace you.

In this case, will technology be replacing a person?

No, a person who knows how to use technology will be replacing a person who is not adopting technology. Freelancers will have to make their work faster, cheaper, and more affordable, or bring in value that technology will not.

Do you think these changes how businesses will operate?

Innovation will boom. What I said for people is true for businesses as well. If you cannot adopt technology and adapt to a changing ecosystem, anything is a threat.

Does Getbotz generated content need human supervision?

At present, 60 per cent of the content that it generates works perfectly. For the rest, there might be a need to go through what comes up.

We recommend going through all the content once to ensure that there is no need for any changes or edits.

Not just AI generated content but AI art and AI pop are all coming up. Do you think it is taking away from creativity?

I think people will still prefer human interaction over machines. There is no way in which AI can replace the human touch. People will continue to pay more for experiences.

An artist who is painting in front of me will be more valuable to me than what I would get from a machine.

The difference, however, will be that people who work only for money might not be able to make that much money now. It will force people to do what they love. For the rest of the things, AI will take over

You spoke about building in a cultural context in AI. A lot of cultures view language and customs differently. Do you think AI can evolve to a point where it can take into account all of that?

The culture of a place can be learnt through learning its language and literature. If we expose AI to enough of that, it can learn about cultural nuances.

In my opinion, AI is like a 10-year-old child who has learnt to read and write but can get influenced by what it is exposed to. How we make AI neutral is the next challenge. Even what is considered neutral is a perspective. My neutral can be different from your neutral.

What is your usual day like?

I work 18-20 hours most days. That’s our life.

That’s a lot of work. I won’t take more of your time. Thanks a lot for speaking with us.

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Boost Your Earnings with the Power of AI: The New Tools for Making Money Mon, 22 May 2023 16:51:46 +0000 Technological advancements have proven numerous implausible things to be true with little to no doubt. In reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI) might replace human labour sooner than we expect. Artificial intelligence systems often learn new abilities by practising on labelled data, which can be found online or in e-books, for example. Machine learning and automation in… Continue reading Boost Your Earnings with the Power of AI: The New Tools for Making Money

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Technological advancements have proven numerous implausible things to be true with little to no doubt. In reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI) might replace human labour sooner than we expect. Artificial intelligence systems often learn new abilities by practising on labelled data, which can be found online or in e-books, for example.

Machine learning and automation in artificial intelligence (AI), a multibillion-dollar technology, are currently bankable in different sectors. We all know that AI is playing a major and bigger role in our lives. It’s already in use in applications like voice assistants, picture identification, and machine learning-based financial fraud detection that many of us aren’t even aware of.

In case you are wondering how you can make money from AI even as a beginner or as an expert, Freelance Life Magazine will be showing you some reliable means through which you can boost your earnings with the power of AI. We will also be reviewing 5 AI software that can assist you to make money. Read on!

5 AI Software to Boost Your Earnings

As a freelancer, these AI software provide ways to increase productivity, optimize processes, and boost your bottom line. Intelligent and powerful AI tools will help you in remaining competitive in this digital era, whether you want to establish a new career with AI or supplement your income.



Modern AI-Power Assistant really does help save time and promote productivity. An essential feature of Jasper is its ability to produce high-quality, pertinent content, offer writing and rewriting ideas, and create the ideal outlines for concepts, blogs, video scripts, etc. Jasper is the generative AI platform for businesses that enables teams to perform 10X more quickly in creating content customized for companies.

Jasper has a wide range of features and advantages that makes it a useful tool for people and businesses trying to maximize their writing productivity and streamline their workflow. The software can assist you with writing your blog entries, social media updates, promotional emails, and more. It can also translate your content to many languages whether you are writing in a language other than your native tongue or not as it is capable of translating to more than 25 other languages.

Jasper has read the majority of the public internet, so it is knowledgeable about almost every niche. The information that Jasper produces is built from all of its sources rather than being taken word-for-word from a single source, making it original and free of plagiarism. The training provided by Jasper’s designers, who are marketing specialists in the sector, is what makes it particularly exceptional.

To take advantage of this incredible AI technology, you don’t need to be the finest writer or artist. As a freelancer or a remote worker, there are several ways you can make money using Jasper AI, some of such ways include;

  • A blog post outlining and SEO planning
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Ghostwriting for clients, this is similar to freelance writing, the only difference is that your name won’t be attached to your article
  • Writing company bios
  • VSL Creation – VSL, also known as a video sales letter, is ideal for your marketing plan
  • By offering landing page copywriting services
  • Optimizing old blog posts

Jasper Pricing: For Starter, it ranges from $29 which covers 20,000 words per month, and Boss Mode is from $59 which covers 50,000 words per month. A free trial of Jasper AI is also available.



With ready-to-use AI avatars and voiceovers, Synthesia assists you in producing explainer videos instead of employing actors, using cameras, and recording in a studio. You may modify and update your movies whenever you need to, and you have access to about 120 different languages.

With the aid of artificial intelligence,, users may quickly turn text into speech to produce professional-quality films. It is the industry leader in AI video technology, which creates videos using artificial intelligence.

Businesses quickly produce AI videos without losing quality. It is the first to produce videos without using the conventional recording procedure by utilizing artificial intelligence. The software will utilize its AI software to make a “talking head” movie if you just submit a video screenplay and a digital human avatar!

Customized avatars, video templates, and support for many languages are just a few of the capabilities that its video creation tools offer. Beginners can use it as a web-based program with an easy-to-use interface that is accessible in your browser. Content updates are possible with just one click. For bloggers and marketers who don’t want to spend their money or time making high-quality films, it’s a great tool.

The versatility of Synthesia.oi allows you to produce any kind of video you desire. The greatest way to keep an audience interested is to release a variety of films, and it undoubtedly aids in this. People regularly use the software for various reasons including social media videos, presentations, YouTube videos, social media videos, Reviews and product presentations, Educational movies, and How-to manuals.

You can monetize the videos you create using Synthesia in the following ways:

Review products and get paid commissions when people use your link to make purchases.

Irrespective of your industry, you can utilize the software to produce marketing videos for your own company.

Synthesia Pricing: Video production using Synthesia is not expensive and starts at $30 per month for personal plan. You can make a demo film with a free trial to determine if it’s the perfect tool for you.



Midjourney, the AI text-to-image tool is now revolutionizing the creative sector. According to the ominous forecasts, creativity will become a useless quality and artists would no longer be required. Is that actually the case, though? What CGI-related tasks can this perform, and what tasks is the tool not capable of?

Well, the use of AI and machine learning, create graphics content depending on your text input. This resembles other AI art makers like OpenAI’s DALL-E. Once you master how it’s used, you won’t have any trouble producing some incredibly original works of art.

At the moment, the only way to access this is through a Discord bot on the Midjourney official Discord. The bot can also be loaded into a different server. Users presently use the same commands as other programs that produce photos through artificial intelligence to make images.

The process of getting started with this app isn’t as challenging as it may appear. In the end, it’s really a simple and fascinating way to observe how far AI has advanced over time. Try it out and see what you can come up with.

It offers users a variety of opportunities to earn money by offering their skills and services. Whether you are a writer, social media manager, web developer, or graphic designer, Midjourney has something for you. With its simple and user-friendly design, anyone can quickly build a profile and start making money by marketing their knowledge to a global audience. You can make cool cash from using it if you venture into content writing, web development, video editing, social media management.

The secure payment option provided by Midjourney ensures fast payment for your services. Also, you have the choice to determine your service fees, giving you the freedom to get paid what you believe to be compensation for your labour. Freelancers and small business owners alike have a ton of chances to monetize their expertise and establish their brands, thanks to Midjourney.

Midjourney Pricing: You will start using a free trial with the service that’s good for approximately 25 image generations. After that, you can use Midjourney basic membership plan which costs $10 monthly. Users can produce as many as 200 images each month with this plan and also continue producing photographs for $4 for 60 images after 200 images.



This is a ChatGPT-like extension for VS Code. You can use it as your personal AI programming assistant to understand complex code, make changes to your code, generate comments for your code, and more. Scribe is an indispensable tool for time management. It greatly facilitates knowledge transfer and task delegation. It’s essential for teams that work remotely.

Although it is important to safeguard the privacy of customers, employees, and other individuals, you shouldn’t let that stop you from quickly documenting operations. Now that sensitive material can be automatically blurred out during recording for Pro and Enterprise users, you can make sure that no sensitive information ever makes it into your Scribes.

The best approach to write down and distribute step-by-step instructions for any process is with Scribe. There’s a chance that you won’t ever be asked another question. You can integrate training manuals created by Scribe in your company’s internal support centre, wikis, knowledge bases, etc.

Assisting your staff in embracing new applications facilitating the usage of new tools and their learning for everyone, delivering documents and images of the highest quality, and providing immediate access to training manuals created by your staff and subject-matter experts.

Every employee can produce and share their finest work with the aid of this software, a quick and simple process documentation and sharing tool. It’s faster to use than manual documentation by 15 times and it increases productivity by 25%. Finding the answers to your inquiries is really simple with the software.

You can make money using Scribe by developing online courses and tutorials, and then monetize your materials by using affiliate marketing, sponsored articles, or advertising with the software. You can also make money through process documentation, customer training, new hire onboarding, and content creation. You can also upload tutorials on a blog post or YouTube channel and monetize them.

Scribe Pricing: Scribe offers a free trial known as the basic and the Pro sub-divided into Personal and Team which cost $23 and $12 per month respectively.



Another excellent software for ai-generated art creation is Boomy. It assists users in producing creative music. Using artificial intelligence technologies, the tool composes a unique tune. You will select your preferred musical style, and the software works its magic by creating original music.

Boomy makes it easy to create original music, even if you’ve never done it before. 70% of its users have never written a song before using this application, you can produce AI art music using this one of the greatest ai art generators even if you have no musical background.

Some of its standout characteristics are; a wide variety of musical styles and themes, options for editing your work to make adjustments, and a free account only allows for a certain number of downloads, features, and saves.

Boomy is an intriguing platform for anyone to make money. Here are a few strategies for making money from this fantastic tool:

  • Offering music production services
  • Sell music on streaming platforms, like iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.
  • Boomy’s AI art can generate money with affiliate links, paid access to premium material, adverts, and other methods.
  • Creating material for television, video games, or movies, and charging clients for your services.

Boomy Pricing: The starter price is free and a free version is also available.


Even though many are afraid that they will lose their job because of the introduction of artificial intelligence and the increasing adoption rate, more opportunities are being opened looking at it from another perspective. There are many innovative approaches for freelancers and business owners to start earning money online with artificial intelligence technologies. These revolutionary ai technologies simplify your daily tasks and can launch a successful ai career for you.

Additionally, there are affordable solutions and even free accounts to have access to some of the fantastic features of these technologies. Start making money immediately since there are numerous clever and simple ways to scale with these tech-enabled solutions.

AI Software Description Key Features Pricing Free Version
Modern AI-Power Assistant really does help save time and promote productivity.
Create high-quality, pertinent content Offer writing and rewriting ideas for blogs, and video scripts Can translate your content into different languages.
For Starters: $29 which covers 20000 words per month For Boss Mode: $59 which covers 50000 words per month
Free trial available
It is the industry leader in AI video technology, which creates videos using artificial intelligence.
You can quickly produce explainer videos instead of employing actors, using cameras, and recording in a studio.
$30 per month for personal plan
Free trial available
Midjourney, the AI text-to-image tool is now revolutionizing the creative sector
Midjourney produces some incredibly original works of art.
Midjourney basic membership plan costs $10 monthly.
You start with a free trial
An ai programming assistant that helps to understand, modify and generate comments for code.
You can integrate training manuals created by Scribe in your company's internal help centre, wikis, knowledge bases, etc.
Personal and Team subscriptions cost $23 and $12 respectively
Free trial known as Basic is available
Boomy makes it easy to create original music, even if you've never done it before.
Boomy assists users in producing creative music
A free trial is also available

The post Boost Your Earnings with the Power of AI: The New Tools for Making Money appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

Boost Your Productivity: How Templates Simplify Freelancing Sun, 23 Apr 2023 10:12:13 +0000 In the era of the Internet and technology, it would be a pity not to use all the benefits that are available. Freelancers and online workers are well aware of the help that different tools, websites, and apps can offer them. Why would you spend hours on something that can be completed much easier and… Continue reading Boost Your Productivity: How Templates Simplify Freelancing

The post Boost Your Productivity: How Templates Simplify Freelancing appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


In the era of the Internet and technology, it would be a pity not to use all the benefits that are available. Freelancers and online workers are well aware of the help that different tools, websites, and apps can offer them. Why would you spend hours on something that can be completed much easier and faster, thanks to the different reliefs that are available on the web?

In this article, we will focus on templates and how they can help freelancers run their careers in a simpler manner. We’ve found a website, Bonsai, that claims to offer everything you might need for running an online business.

Bonsai templates

Contract templates help freelancers make professional deals

In one of our previous articles, we have already talked about the importance of having a written contract in the freelance business. Yet, many online workers, especially newbies, are not sure how they should or can create different contracts.

For that purpose, maybe it’s best to use reliable and already-proven contract templates. With Bonsai, you can get 100+ contract templates, in numerous different fields. Explore mentoring contract templates, design-build contract templates, videographer templates, marketing contract templates, or even a simple yet very useful contract template for various situations – an employment contract template.

Bonsai templates

Proposal templates that’ll help you create winning bids

Besides using the smart proposal software we have already talked about, you can also use the advantage of already created proposal templates on Bonsai. Every freelancer knows that creating a winning proposal is usually crucial for getting a contract. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best freelancer in the entire market if you don’t know how to represent yourself and your skills. Selling your services in the best possible manner results in getting a contract over 100 or more other freelancers who have already bid on it.

One of the main problems for newbie or beginner remote workers is that they are not sure how to create a good proposal. Bonsai proposal templates can help you a lot. Explore and use graphic design proposal templates, regular business proposal templates, data entry proposal templates, or just creative proposal templates. There are a lot of those, so it’s not hard to find the one you’ve been searching for. We are 100% sure that you’ll find your niche or field of expertise and online business.

Bonsai templates

Invoice templates help freelancers keep their finances in order

Keeping your finances in order is probably the second biggest problem you’ll face once you start freelancing or working remotely. There are various clients out there, and probably the worst ones are the late payers. Luckily, it’s easy to create invoices now because you can use already-created templates. The best thing about Bonsai invoice templates is that they are specially created for different fields of online businesses.

You’ll probably be interested in checking out the general freelance invoice template. There are also more specific invoice templates, for example, freelance writing invoice templates, as well as graphic design invoice templates, and others.

Bonsai templates

Find agreement templates for your freelance profession

Bonsai templates also offer agreement versions that are created for optimizing contracts or better said, providing rights to the other side for your work. Ghostwriters are well aware that they usually have to sign some papers before they sell their pieces of writing. Freelancers who have decided to leave the rights for the goods to the client usually get paid higher. They do not receive, for example, the royalties for e-books they’ve written. It may be hard to create an agreement on your own, but with Bonsai agreement templates everything is completely simplified.

There are, of course, many other agreement temples and you can definitely search by your freelancing profession to find the one that suits your online business. Photography service agreement template, influencer collaboration agreement template, and software maintenance agreement temperament, are just some of the best agreement templates you can find within numerous others.

Bonsai templates

Quote templates that will help you get paid higher for online services

How to tell clients that you are ready for a raise? A situation may be a little bit unpleasant for both sides. Luckily, Bonsai templates can help you with that too. For example, you can explore different quote templates that will help you to prove the quality of your work. There are all other quote templates you can think of as well, such as HTML quotation templates, creative quotation templates, contractor quote templates, as well as eCommerce website quotation templates. Of course, not all these templates are made to help you get paid better. For example, an eCommerce website quotation template will provide a lot of help when it comes to writing a quote from a website. In eCommerce, a quote means a price that’s sent from the seller to the customer, with the purpose to provide quality service.

Bonsai templates

Scope of work Bonsai templates leads every freelance project to success

When it comes to the scope of work templates, freelancers know how hard and complicated it may be to create a plan for completing an entire project. Managing all needed tasks and steps to be taken can require a lot of time and energy. Besides that, you have to represent all that to the client and convince them that you’re not only capable of completing the entire project step by step, but also that those steps are necessary. Explore the different scope of work template categories and find the project scope of work templates, design scope of work templates, remodeling scope of work templates, SEO scope of work templates, and many others.

Bonsai templates

Brief templates that will help you to sell your ideas to potential remote clients

Ever wondered how can you make selling ideas easier? Yes, we are all aware that you have to prove to your clients that those ideas matter. Bonsai brief templates will help you not only to sell amazing ideas that can create businesses prosper but also to sell your freelancing service. Represent everything you need in a professional brief by just using a Bonsai template. Design brief template, creative brief template, architecture design brief template, or fashion design brief template will guide you through the needed documentation that refers to changes in social and behavior activities.


The conclusion is simple and clear – yes, every freelancer should try using different Bonsai templates because they will not only save your energy and time but also help you learn how to communicate in remote businesses in a professional manner. Make the best of your freelance career with a smart advice and guidance.

The post Boost Your Productivity: How Templates Simplify Freelancing appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

Halogig – explore and try one of the best freelance platforms Sun, 09 Apr 2023 13:56:21 +0000 In one of our previous articles, we have written about SolidGigs, a place where freelancers meet new remote job opportunities. In this article, we will introduce you to Halogig, a similar platform that is a great place both for online business owners and online, freelance workers. Getting and keeping long-term clients in the freelance business… Continue reading Halogig – explore and try one of the best freelance platforms

The post Halogig – explore and try one of the best freelance platforms appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


In one of our previous articles, we have written about SolidGigs, a place where freelancers meet new remote job opportunities. In this article, we will introduce you to Halogig, a similar platform that is a great place both for online business owners and online, freelance workers.

Getting and keeping long-term clients in the freelance business isn’t an easy task, but if you explore various platforms your chances definitely get higher. Halogig claims that they are transforming the working world, by being a place for new-age projects and a platform for some of the most talented freelancers.

Find freelance projects or hire a remote talent

Whether you are a client searching for a skilled freelancer that could be able to complete any project in a professional manner, this platform is for you. It’s also created for all talented freelancers that want to highlight their remote careers. One of the best things about Halogig is its transparency – clients know what they are paying, while freelancers don’t have to worry that they’ll stay without their milestones or paid working hours. Round-the-clock support of this platform is also amazing and won’t let you wait if you have any unsolved issues.

Why should you become a freelancer on Halogig?

Some of the main reasons why you should use this platform as a freelancer would definitely be:

  • You can bid for various projects for free.
  • Halogig is present in numerous countries, currently counting more than 190.
  • Freelancers are able to get offline reviews as well, which may improve your chances to get a full-time job somewhere else in the future.
  • You get an access to online project tracker.
  • Fee model will only charge you after the payments are done.

You are able to keep your profile completely anonymous as a freelancer.


50% evolution – 50% revolution

What we love about Halogig is that they claim the entire mission of this platform was based 50% on evolution and 50% on revolution. Categories you can explore both as a freelancer and a client are various and there are dozens of them:

  • Development and testing. Meet some of the top-class expert developers for any project, or become one of them.
  • Infrastructure and security. Cybersecurity category that covers anything from VAPT, DLP, network security, cloud, and more.
  • UI & Design. Enhance the user experience of every service and product and finally meet your targeted audience’s needs.
  • Enterprise resource planning.
  • Animation and video.
  • Analytics and automation.
  • Content and marketing. Make a story that’ll reach your audience in a needed and wanted manner.
  • Diversity of domains and diversity of industries – meet some of the best and top-rated freelancers over the globe.
  • Development and testing. All software development will be done in the best possible manner.

As we can see, Halogig consists of all those categories clients may need for a project that is started from scratch. Everything can be done by using just one freelancing platform where you’ll be able to find all the workers you need. This means that Halogig also saves tons of time for clients due to the fact that you won’t have to spend hours, or better said days searching for talented and skilled remote workers. Not to mention how much time interviewing takes. In the end, clients may not be satisfied with the results they get which brings them into a vicious circle of finding another freelancer.

For clients, this platform guarantees that you work only with some of the best, most talented, most skilled, and top-rated freelancers.

A talent marketplace that provides innovative solutions

Halogig is a talent marketplace that provides innovative solutions with the purpose help both freelancers and online businesses grow. Another great thing about this platform is that you can also buy ready-made apps through Halogig’s partner network.

If you need an app immediately which would help you to complete a serious project, this is definitely a good thing you can use.

Ready-made apps save time and money, but also create new and good profits from day one. Clients don’t have to invest in apps and wait for some period of time to start earning money.

Explore the HaloGig referral marketing program

You can discover this program through a video of interest. It is both suitable for freelancers and online business owners and clients. The platform actually helps freelancers find new job opportunities and gigs, but it also helps clients to hire some of the best potential remote workers. The referral marketing program makes everything even easier – you can refer a project to Halogig and then once it’s completed, earn a pre-decided amount of commission on it. This is a great idea that makes online businessmen invest smarter and earn money faster. Halogig obviously thinks that you shouldn’t work more with the purpose to get more money, but you should work smarter. 

Enjoy the freelance market with competitive pricing and smooth delivery

Both freelancers and businesses will always have a smooth experience with Halogig. Not only the hiring process always goes smoothly, but the entire project gets done in the same manner. Freelancers also enjoy some other amazing opportunities Halogig offers, including work outlines, easy payments, dispute assistance, expected outcomes, and many other pluses.

*Besides being offered to choose between a fixed price and hourly contract, freelancers on Halogig are also capable to opt for a retainer ship. This option allows you to get paid in advance for certain projects, but you’re also able to negotiate the price later.


Halogig’s mission and vision

They are driven by passion related to connecting businesses and remote workers. Today, you don’t have to face geographical barriers when it comes to finding suitable workers for your projects. Freelancers also get the opportunity to do what they love, to continue growing their talents, and to earn money and live more freely – as digital nomads.

Halogig’s mission and vision are concentrated on faith, creativity, hope, and transformation. Why wouldn’t we make the working market a better place? A good relationship between a client and a freelancer is of crucial value, and this platform is doing everything in its power to keep it that way.

They believe in evolution and claim that the technology itself is the biggest proof of it.


How to become a freelancer on Halogig?

Ready to become one of the best world talents in the freelance business? Sign up as you would on other freelancing platforms, create a profile that will help you to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by clients, view the current job posting, submit your best bid, and then just get hired, work, and earn money. When it comes to clients, the process is 100% the same.

*Halogig charges 20% of the invoice value.

*Freelancers get paid on a weekly basis.

*As a freelancer, you can bid on as many projects as you want. Of course, keep in mind that you’ll be capable to complete them on time – Halogigs accepts only professional freelancers who are organized and dedicated to their remote careers.

*Halogigs doesn’t charge any fees from the client.

If you’re ready to become a freelancer on Halogig, know that you can register and sign up here. If you’re a little bit nervous about creating winning proposals and getting gigs on Halogig, you can also read this article about the best proposal software. It will help you to find the best advice you’ve been seeking for.


Halogig seems to be another amazing platform that offers tons of possibilities, both for businesses and freelancers, remote workers. We are happy to see that the entire world can become connected in so many ways due to the evolution of technology.

We hope that you will try Halogig and get back really satisfied, whether you are an online business owner or a talented and professional freelancer. Good luck.

This article represents the honest opinion of the author, this is not an affiliate post, we do not receive any comments for this review.

The post Halogig – explore and try one of the best freelance platforms appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

How to earn money by clicking on links? Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:05:20 +0000 We know that it sounds too good to be true, but yes - you can earn money by clicking on links. We have found 9 legitimate websites that will allow you to do this and get paid.

The post How to earn money by clicking on links? appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


If you are someone who is searching for ways to earn money besides your regular job, or you’re dreaming about becoming a freelancer and starting working from home, but don’t have any particular knowledge, talent, or skills, continue reading this article.

We are bringing you some lazy ways which can help you create a salary as an online worker. Numerous people have already earned side money this way.

Can you earn money by clicking on links only?

We know that it sounds too good to be true, but yes – you can earn money by clicking on links. We have found 9 legitimate websites that will allow you to do this and get paid. Before we start introducing you to those websites, let’s first see clicking on links and getting paid actually works.

What are GPT and PTC websites?

Get Paid To and Paid To Click websites are perfect places for earning a salary as a newbie online worker. It’s actually all about advertising. Advertisers pay these websites to run ads and represent their products and services. What the website does is that they pay the users to click those ads and to watch them, if they are in the video version.

When it comes to GPT websites, you can earn money in other ways too, not just by clicking on websites. There are possibilities to play games and earn money, surf online, read emails, and take different sorts of tests and surveys.

Besides getting paid, it also happens that different website offer discounts, gift cards, or something similar. Anyways, it will pay you off if you’re searching for online jobs that are easy to get done, but you also don’t dream about earning huge amounts of money. Therefore, these tasks are great for students, people who are just about to start their first job online, retired people, or stay-at-home moms.

These are our favorite websites that will help you get paid by clicking on links:

Swagbucks. A reliable website that has already paid $532 million to users who have clicked on different links and ads. Not only that, but Swagbucks sent a lot of free cards as well. If you love searching the web, playing online games, or reading emails and clicking links you find in them, this is your best place to start earning money online.

Be cautious about tasks because some are made in a way that you have to purchase something first to get a free gift card, a discount, or to get paid and continue working.

PrizeRebel. If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll be happy to hear that PrizeRebel not only allows you to earn money online by clicking on links and taking surveys but also provides free coffee in Starbucks. Google Play, Xbox, and Amazon gift cards are waiting for you at this GPT website as well. Most of these websites will pay you through PayPal, online and digital wallet freelancers gladly use it for different purposes.

GPTplanet. They say you’ll get an opportunity to earn money by completing different simple tasks online. The best thing about it is that you can join it for free and start earning money by clicking on links immediately. This GPT website allows paying in Bitcoin as well, but also through Skrill, Payeer, and Neteller. You earn approximately $0.01 per click and can get paid as soon as you earn a dollar.

Neobux. This website is a bit different than others we have already mentioned. There’s a possibility to choose different memberships on Neobux. Approximately, with standard membership, you can earn only $0.015 per click. The good news is that this website doesn’t limit you to the number of clicks you can make.

Scarlet Clicks. Get paid to click on different links with Scarlet Clicks. Here, the minimum amount of money you can transfer to your account is $2, but it pays in the same way as GPTplanet.

ySense. If you’re not satisfied with the amount of money you can earn just by clicking on links, this website is a bit more interesting. With ySense, you can earn money by completing different simple tasks online, such as watching videos, taking various tests and surveys, signing up for different websites, and even downloading applications. You’ll get paid through PayPal and Payoneer, but expect some great gift cards too.

Offernation. You’ll love this website for making money online in a lazy manner – it pays you $0.25 for just singing in. Surveys are also well paid, starting from $0.80 to even $5.

Fusion Cash. It’s the same as with the previous website we’ve mentioned – you’ll get paid just to sign up, and the amount of money is great – $5. After that, you are free to continue earning money by completing surveys and clicking on ads and links.

FamilyClix. At the beginning of this article, we have already mentioned how these websites offer a great way to earn some money for stay-at-home moms. Enjoy this PTC website, which is definitely unique when compared to all others from our list. Multiple people are able to click and the same time, using the same Internet connection, which is perfect for families. If you have a bit of free time and find this relaxing, know that you can earn some money this way.


As we saw, there are many different websites that allow you to get paid by just clicking on links. This may be a good start for creating your online career, but you should definitely not stay on clicking only. Monetizing your hobby, for example, is a better way to earn serious money online. You can start a blog as well, take photos and upload them to different websites well, learn how to run social media channels and get money from digital marketing, as well as create your own websites that will run ads and earn more serious amounts of money from ads and clicks.

We don’t say that you won’t earn anything just by clicking on links – if you like to do that in your free time, and even if you find it fun, it’s a good idea to earn just by clicking from time to time. Besides that, we love the idea of free coffee in Starbucks, as well as the numerous gift cards you can get.

If you are someone who is searching for reliable advice that can help you start your freelance and online career, be sure that you read this article as well. Freelancers love to find work opportunities by using social media platforms as well. One of the best ways to find new clients may be even through Facebook groups. You can get more information about it in this article. We have also written about creating passive income as an online worker, so be sure that you don’t miss that topic too.

Many are wondering if they are able to earn some money online by using their smartphone only. We have answered that question as well. Check out which freelance jobs you can do just with your smartphone.

In the end, don’t forget that freelancing requires constant learning. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the needed skills at this moment. Every freelancer is constantly learning and improving, and therefore finding new and better online job opportunities. Read more about it in this article.

The post How to earn money by clicking on links? appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

The Best Hourly Rate Calculator for Freelancers Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:08:12 +0000 One of the most difficult aspects of freelancing is determining the costs for the services you offer. I will be highlighting the top 5 hourly rate calculators which can be used to tackle the hassle of charging clients rightly.

The post The Best Hourly Rate Calculator for Freelancers appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.


Being a freelancer has several advantages, one of which is the fact that your potential earnings are unrestricted. The most crucial thing is that you select your fee; you also decide on the clients and the hours. Ideally, things would be that easy, giving you the power to be your boss and control how things work around you. 

One of the most difficult aspects of freelancing is determining the costs for the services you offer. If you set them too high, you risk being outperformed by competitors who offer comparable services and losing out on revenue. If you set them too low, you will be underpaid for your services and not make enough money to beat your cost.

However, it is important to comprehend the precise scope of what the charges you set are intended to pay for. After all, there are many expenses that you might not even be aware of, just as there are many hours that you can’t even charge for as they can’t be tied to any client’s project. I will be highlighting the top 5 hourly rate calculators which can be used to tackle the hassle of charging clients rightly.


1. Payoneer

Payoneer, one of the best payment platforms for freelancers offers its users the feature to calculate their freelance hourly rate. This enables you as a freelancer to check if your hourly rate covers your fixed and variable costs, meeting your target income. To make this possible, freelancers will be asked to fill in certain details which will guide the platform in ascertaining the hourly rate.

Steps To Use Payoneer

  1. When using the calculator, you must first enter the desired currency, your present annual earnings after deducting expenses, and the percentage by which you wish to raise your income. This will give you an idea of what your annual target salary looks like.
  2. The next step is to determine how many total billing hours you will have for a year. You must provide the following details: the number of weeks you will work during the year, the number of days in a week, and the number of hours in a day. The period of time that you are not working—during public and religious holidays, vacations, or when you are ill will be subtracted from that total number of days.
  3. The third step is to determine the annual cost incurred by the business. This will require you to fill in some fields including accounting costs and other operating expenses like Marketing/Advertising, Office Rent and Travel.
  4. This step entails inputting the annual administration costs of freelancing. These costs are Insurance, Communications, Equipment and Subscriptions.
  5. The final stage is to provide general details about the business, like name, contact and email address.

This will be a useful tool for people who are just beginning their freelance journey even though the final pricing may not be the one you use as the method does not cover all the relevant factors.

Pricing- Free


2. Instaprice

Instaprice is a one-stop pricing tool for freelancers. The developer of the application, Ben Issen often says, pricing work is an unstructured guessing art and I have to wholeheartedly agree with him on that. You continue to experiment with numbers until you find what works best for you. So, what exactly does this amazing app do? It enables you to see what other freelancers are charging in order to determine what you should charge.

You simply select your currency and country. It aids in better determining pricing in your area and making interesting quotes. Following that, the simple interface displays half a screen with a search bar and thousands of services, and the other half is a robot calculator. As you select the services you intend to provide, the little robot tallies it all up on the side so that when you’re finished, you know exactly how much you should charge your client.

The App allows you to see the average prices charged for the kind of service you offer and estimations can be adjusted according to the quality of each client. Afterwards, quotes can be sent directly from the app to the client.

Using Instaprice as a Freelancer

The estimation model of the app is still getting improved as it is not 100% accurate yet, the calculation from the app should be taken as a complementary to your pricing estimation. Getting prices are automatic and are gotten from publicly available US-based platforms where median values conversion weekly rate are calculated which makes prices flexible and more accurate.

The users of the Instaprice app are mostly freelancers, agencies and companies hiring freelancers. The app sufficiently provides guidance for freelancers who are just starting, have doubts about fair prices to charge, or want to offer new services to their clients.

Pricing: $12 per month

The Freelance Rate Calculator

3. The Freelance Rate Calculator

As a freelancer, there are goals and objectives you have set for yourself. This calculator shows you the lowest rate you should charge to cover your costs and reach your objectives. It’s the perfect tool you need to plan a freelance business.

First, you need to download the app and at the top of the Google sheet, click “file” and proceed to make a copy. Add your work and life expenses as well as the number of hours you want to spend at work. You are then allowed to calculate the minimum hourly, weekly and monthly rates you are expected to charge a client. Rates are calculated based on taxes, savings, business expenses, and living and travelling expenses. In summary all you are required to do is;

  • Download the calculator
  • Enter your goals and objectives
  • Determine how much to charge clients.

The Freelance World Can Be Scary

Only proactive freelancers can successfully traverse the future. For freelancers, charging too little is a common trap You can safeguard yourself by determining what is sustainable with the help of this calculator. Without a thorough strategy that takes your objectives and costs into account, you run the following risks:

  1. losing your finest initiatives as a result of constant overwhelm
  2. Breaking the bank when tax season comes
  3. Never take a vacation because you might not have enough money this month.

Pricing- Free


4. Finder

This is another interesting hourly rate calculator which helps you to determine how much you should set your hourly rate at. This calculator allows you to install and embed its functionalities on a website. You will be required to copy the HTML code and paste it on your blog or website to have its rate calculator. It also offers exclusive product deals and unlimited access to financial reports.

How Does This Calculator Work

Using this calculator, you can divide your total costs and profit by the number of hours you’ll work. For instance, the hourly rate you should charge is equal to (Business Costs + Personal Costs + Profit You Want To Make) / Number of Hours You Will Work.

Business Costs

The business costs are all expenses that are directly related to the operations of your business. To set your hourly rate using Finder, you will fill in the following details measuring costs associated with the business.

  • Office Rent- Rate per month
  • Travel costs- Rate per week
  • Computer, Equipment and Software- Rate per year
  • Communications, Internet, Mobile, Fax- Rate per month
  • Accounting and Legal Costs- Rate per year
  • Marketing- Rate per month
  • Insurance- Rate per year
  • Training, Conferences and Books- Rate per year

Personal Costs

These are expenses incurred in the course of business but cannot be directly attributed to the business. These costs are more often based on personal benefits and include;

  • Living costs: Food, Rent, Rates and Electricity- Rate per month
  • Retirement- Rate per year
  • Fun money: Holidays, Drinks, Outing- per month

How many hours can you bill: how many hours, days, weeks, vacation days and billable hours

Profit/Savings: How much profit do you want to make in a year

Pricing- Free


5. Calculadorafreela

A simple and user-friendly calculator that lets you find out how much you charge clients as a freelancer. This tool was designed by Aldana Fiandrino and programmed by Argenis Fontalvo. Just like other hourly rate calculators we have talked about, Calculadorafreela takes into account the expected net monthly income.

  1. Adjusted Monthly Income

The first part of the calculator aims at easily finding hourly rates, requiring you to estimate both your income and costs. It also takes into account the monthly cost of freelancing. These costs include administration, internet, software, telephone, change of laptop, marketing and savings for tough times. There are other costs that are meant to be included while calculating the rate. For instance, health insurance and taxes.

  1. Calculation of Annual Billable Hours

For the second part, you will be required to provide the number of hours per year that you will be working. There are numerous occasions when you won’t be working at all, including holidays, sick days, vacations, and paperwork. This should be considered while figuring out your hourly rate.

  1. Total Hours

This is the page where the average hourly rate for each category on Workana and the achievement level system are. It first highlights your rate based on your inputs, followed by the rate of other freelancers offering different services. This is done with the use of a ranking system from Hero, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and down to Iron.

This calculator made by freelancers on Workana has a distinguishing feature that allows you to find the best freelance job postings.

Pricing- Free


Being a freelancer can sometimes be hectic, but thanks to technology that has been making many work processes very easy and fast. Ideally, a freelancer should be able to determine how much a task is worth if his/her skill is hired. Although, we most likely charge differently depending on the level of experience or expertise. You are only doing yourself a favour if you decide to ease yourself the burden of figuring out how much you want to charge a client.

There are so many hourly rate calculators one can find online but these five above were carefully selected and you go no wrong if you decide to choose one out of these, bearing in mind to choose according to your need. You should first know what works for you.

However, it is important to understand that when you are calculating the freelance hourly rate, you should think in terms of value, not time. These tools may not be right in some cases as they don’t put into account some variables like behavioural attributes, sentiments, etc., attached to a task. Generally, it is a good solution to utilize especially as a new freelancer who does not have an idea of how much is typically charged in the industry.

A Good Way To Think About Pricing

It’s time to return to reality. Forget about earning your ideal wage or even just the bare minimum to survive. How much you believe you’d like or need to make should have very little bearing on your hourly rate. How much value you provide to your clients is what ultimately sets your rate. If they don’t perceive enough value in you to pay that rate, you won’t get hired. No work at a high rate is worse than some labour at a reasonable market rate.

That calculation does not take into account how much money you believe you should earn. If you have gained five additional years of experience, new skills, and the cost of living remains the same, should your hourly rate be higher? A rate calculator would say no, but in reality, the response is yes. The factors that most significantly affect the rate you can command are your skill, experience, professionalism, and effort. Think of rate in terms of value, capabilities and reliability, they are good metrics to determine your rate as well.

The post The Best Hourly Rate Calculator for Freelancers appeared first on Freelancelifemagazine.

The Best Project Management Software for Freelancers Sat, 28 Jan 2023 15:14:16 +0000 Having trouble organizing multiple freelancing projects at the same time? Check out these softwares, one of them may be your solution.

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What is a Project Management Software?

As the world is evolving, technology is making things easier for us. In older days, conducting a project meant taking each step individually and manually, which can be stressful. Technology has created a lot of project management tools and resources designed to make projects unique, more accessible, and faster.

Project management software is an application which helps in planning, organizing, allocating, tracking, scheduling and predicting work plans. Freelancers do not only need to worry about creating great content, they also have to self-manage the processes to get it done right.

Importance of Project Management for Freelancers

Easier Task Management

There are several processes in accomplishing particular tasks which may be time-consuming. Project Management tools help to assign tasks and monitor the progress of every handler throughout the entire life cycle of the project.

Efficiency in Time Tracking

To ensure that approved work is completed before the deadline, a freelancer has to schedule their available days ahead of time. This will help embark on new projects accordingly without jeopardising a healthy work-life balance.

Possible Collaboration

As a freelancer, having a user-friendly software that manages your project will encourage working together with other freelancers on some projects that may seem complex, difficult and require collaboration.

Effective Reporting

Writing and forwarding report to the appropriate personnel can be a significant drain of time and resources as a freelancer. Having a tool that will allow you to generate and submit detailed reports quickly is advisable.

There are numerous project management solutions on the market today; all with different features, plans and pricing. Since it may be quite difficult to determine which one to use, we have identified and analysed the top 5 best project management software, especially for freelancers.



Clickup is one of the most collaborative management software designed by Alex Yurkwoski and Zeb Evans in 2017. This is one of the advanced management software that can perform almost every task effectively. Teams of all sizes can use ClickUp and deliver projects effectively. ClickUp has one of the best storage abilities. It can store different documents together, and it allows easy management of other projects by team members simultaneously. This software enables the integration of more than 1000 team members as it allows visualization of work progress by team members simultaneously.

What distinguishes it from other applications is its ability to perform the action of other project management software combined. It is usually referred to as “One app to replace them all”. Among the amazing features of this software are power-user, communication and collaboration tools. Clickup has a well-structured hierarchy design that shows multitask toolbar, allows setting reminders and displays the statuses of each project. Another exceptional advantage Clickup has is support staff are always available in case of any difficulty.


  • It allows teamwork simultaneously.
  • Incorporation of third-party App.
  • Complete workspace
  • Time-saving and structuring
  • Resource-saving
  • Customer support and Free training
  • Real-time editing and reporting


  • Unadvanced UI
  • Multiple features can make users confused, especially at the initial set-up
  • Calendar is inefficient


The business price is as follows
$9 – $12 per user monthly
$19 per user annually
Single user
$5 monthly
$9 annually

Both Paid and free versions of ClickUp exist. But the free version lacks some essential features.



Ganttpro is one of the most advanced project management software with an improved Gantt chart. It can coordinate multiple projects at once and quickly navigate between tasks. This software Is one of the easiest and simplest management software due to its automatic assigning and scheduling of tasks. The taskbar allows users to prioritize tasks and set defenses and duration in a single click. Tasks can be assigned to different team members, switch jobs between team members, giving access to one another’s profile easily. Duties can be reallocated when a team member is underworking, as seen in the team members’ workload, which is one of the unique features of Ganttpro.

Files from different folders, such as Google Docs, spreadsheets, etc., can be attached to the taskbar quickly. Easy customization of notification settings for subsequent notification about the deadline, project steps, start date and also expected date of completion. Ganttpro does not only create and assign tasks alone, it is also capable of creating multiple sub-tasks. Two-factor authentication makes Ganttpro possess high security preventing an unauthorised user from login into your project without your permission. There is the presence of a comment attachment bar and multiple filter options making you view every comment without going into the email.


  • Great scheduling
  • Tracking of project progress
  • Easy usage
  • Time management
  • Resource management
  • High security
  • Very Stable
  • Project management


  • Chat management is difficult
  • Preparation of chart is complex
  • Poor visual aid


$8.90 – $12.99 per user monthly

$15 per user monthly

Business (PRO)

$15 -19.99 per user monthly

There is a free and paid version of Ganttpro. Free versions lack features such as customized filters and fields, reports, portfolios, and Jira cloud integration.



Zoho is one of the best cloud-based software that helps you manage tasks, milestones, and projects for small-scale and large businesses. The project management software allows you to interact with your team members irrespective of their locations and keeps you aware of your task, assigning activities, and managing resources. Zoho tracks project excellently by pointing out lapses from the project plan and predicting the result for you. Task automation is more accessible, which saves recurring invoices from spreadsheets.

It is a user-friendly software that allows customization of projects to suit needs, such as creating a personalized layout, statuses, and fields. Automation of document processing, such as search, revision tracking, and access control, makes the final results of Zoho software unique. Notification settings can be customized by adding business hours and turning off features like timesheets, budget features etc. Emails can be sent automatically and task defenses can be customised to be able to execute important tasks before others according to preference. It has an intuitive UI and time tracking tools that help in managing tasks and avoid wasting time on a single project.


  • Seamless integration
  • Helps in project budgeting
  • Helps in project scheduling
  • User-friendly
  • Cost management
  • Easy communication
  • High team productivity
  • Reliable customer support


  • Poor dashboard functionality
  • Seldom downtime occurrence
  • The learning curve is quite high


Free plan: 2 projects and three users

Premium plan

$4 per user monthly


$10 per user monthly



Teamwork is one of the best management software in which projects, support teams, freelancers, and clients can be effectively managed. The presence of many unique features for resource allocation, budgeting, time tracking, and workload management makes it a great tool to maximize resources and execute projects successfully. The display of accountability scores and work progress on the dashboard makes it easy to handle complex projects. It’s time-saving due to its high collaboration features. Teamwork can also function in task management which allows you to add different tasks, assign them to individuals or multiple team members, and set deadlines.

Teamwork is the only software created for handling clients, making it easy for clients to deliver projects on time and eliminate client chaos. It comes with a unique report system that compares the project plan versus where it’s going, making it easy to tackle any incoming problem. A portfolio can be created to send files easier. Client board view is also available, making important information and project progress to be shared easily.


  • High flexibility
  • Good commenting and reporting capabilities
  • Well-designed user interference
  • Availability of Gant chart
  • Easy to operate
  • Budget-friendly
  • Behavior can be customized based on the project


  • Gradual increase in price without features advancement
  • Report setup is complex
  • It takes longer to assign a date to a task due to some features


Free trials for 30 days are available


$10 per user monthly when billed annually

$12.50 per user monthly when billed monthly

$28 per user monthly when billed annually

$22.50 per user monthly when billed monthly


Price changes constantly



It is a versatile project management software that provides many different solutions, including marketing teams, agencies, etc. It is among the most advanced software with high utility and no code automation. Wrike is created in such a way that allows customization of tools used in project conduction for individual team members. The software prevents the risk of contention due to some helpful information the leaders get through communication. Wrike offers tremendous advantages over other software because it supports live editing, commenting, notifications, and information sharing. Wrike allows you to merge work processes with business tools you already have to make your epicenter to make work faster. It will enable accessible communication between team members on the spot rather than sending emails. Wrike helps plan projects strategically to have excellent output, which is time-saving. It also helps track helpful information such as member comments, activity progress, and timing. This software is specifically designed to have two versions; desktop and mobile app version. Unique customised calendar and Gantt chart are also available on both free and paid version.


  • Easy collaboration
  • Offers unique client management
  • Wrike lock helps in Protecting personal client information
  • Real-time workspace
  • Accessible resource and staff allocation
  • Easy tasks management
  • Easy to use


  • Expensive
  • Multiple features causing confusion
  • Minimized initial set-up
  • Unadvanced UI


It comes in 4 different plans, including;


$9. 80 per user monthly


$24.80 per user monthly when billed annually


$45 per user monthly


$60 per user


Project management applications are utilized to manage the planning, development, execution and completion of a project via the web, Android and IOS devices. As a freelancer, understand that choosing the best fit for project management is expedient.

You must first consider what the weekly, monthly or yearly budget, making you have the knowledge of what it is to incur as expenses. Making a list of the basic and essential features you need to execute a project will guide a freelancer choose the best project management software.

Moreover, it is fair to consider the level of tech experience the team has before making a list of project management software that meets the destined criteria. This will significantly help to choose the best project management software that suits your purpose as a freelancer.

Our pick Clickup Ganttpro Zoho Teamwork Wrike
Prize per person monthly
Free version
Time estimate
Gantt chart
No. of project for
free account
Storage for free account

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The Wealthy Freelancer Thu, 19 Jan 2023 13:54:26 +0000 by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage and Ed Gandia Do you want to be your boss? Do you set your hours? Do you only want to work for certain clients? Many do, which is why so many professionals are turning to freelance. Despite these benefits, being a freelancer can be difficult. Every freelancer understands the agony… Continue reading The Wealthy Freelancer

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by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage and Ed Gandia

Do you want to be your boss? Do you set your hours? Do you only want to work for certain clients? Many do, which is why so many professionals are turning to freelance.

Despite these benefits, being a freelancer can be difficult. Every freelancer understands the agony of being unable to go out with friends due to a late-running project.

But this does not have to be the case. So how can you have both freedom and security?

The Wealthy Freelancer, written by Steve Slaunwhite, Ed Gandia, and Pete Savage, is summarised in this article. This book explains:

  • Why every successful freelancer needs a buzz piece
  • Why you should make your day resourceful
  • How every successful remote worker can leave in a wealthy triangle

To expand on this, the authors developed 8 secrets to guide you on a successful freelance journey.

Lesson 1: A successful freelancer should understand that business may be slow.

Lesson 2: To attract your desired clients, properly market your services to the right client.

Lesson 3: Create a spectacular buzz piece to position oneself as an expert in your subject.

Lesson 4: Use high-impact marketing methods that are effective and profitable.

Lesson 5: Avoid downturns by constantly developing prospects.

Lesson 6: Price your skills for success in your freelance business.

Lesson 7: Work in focused bursts and meticulously organize your duties to accomplish more.

Lesson 8: Create many revenue streams and live in the Wealthy Triangle to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

This book’s main message is: Keep an eye on your goals, income, and lifestyle as a freelancer, and keep focused on each project without losing sight of prospects, and projects.

About the Authors

Steve Slaunwhite is an accomplished marketing consultant, copywriter, and author who has written books, including Fast Track to Great Clients and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Starting a Business.

Ed Gandia and Pete Savage have succeeded as coaches, marketing specialists, and copywriters.

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