Remote workers usually experience these ups and downs in their careers

Remote workers usually experience these ups and downs in their careers

Working for yourself may sound perfect, but there are definitely some ups and downs most freelancers face. According to Kara Capple, an experienced business and freelance writer, working for yourself doesn’t only bring freedom, but also these situations.

Ups most remote workers who work for themselves experience are:

Having the possibility to organize their time in a way they want, and can is the biggest up most freelancers have talked about. Besides that, remote workers also claim that they are happy because they can make their meals and eat whenever they want, but some also told us that wine helps them on bad days. You can literally dress how you want, but you also don’t have to dress up “to go to work” when you are a freelancer. Waking up when wanted is another amazing plus most freelancers are truly grateful for.

Online workers are able to choose free days on their own and travel all around the globe and continue working that way.

Many experienced freelancers can choose which tasks they want to work on, and what they would like to avoid.

Negative sides of working as a freelancer and working for yourself

It’s not all milk and honey. Freelancing and working for yourself also bring many negative sides. The first and biggest one would definitely be not being safe about your finances. From time to time, a freelancer won’t have enough work, so that may represent a huge problem for their financial stability. There may also happen many different problems with rude clients. Some will escape without paying, others will complain non-stop and make you frustrated.

Another negative side of freelancing would be loneliness. Many online workers claim that they have lost real communication in real-time, with so many friends. A passive lifestyle is also common among those freelancers who are not self-motivated and still cannot organize their entire life in the manner they should.


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